matthew: -mining for diamonds- where are you
cupa: -hears him- hm? -looks around a finds him- hehehe -sneaks up to him- ssss
matthew: -turns around- CREEPER -runs away-
cupa: aaawwww~ i just wanna hug him
matthew: -chopping wood- just a few more to finish my wooden castle -chopping-
cupa: -found him again then whispers- yay, now to make sure my fuse don't lit up -sneaks to him-
matthew: -hears stepping- hm? -turns around-
cupa: -hides-
matthew: hello? anyone there? ... -goes to his castle and shuts to iron door-
cupa: -sees the door- easy -goes up the door and tries to opens and fails after a few minute- -panting-
matthew: -heads to bed-
cupa: ooohhhh -siting with disappointment- i'll never get to see him -sees a enderman then gets a idea- hey you
ender: -looks at cupa-?
cupa: could you open this -points at the iron door-
ender: -teleports to the door then looks around to see something- ... -pulls the lever-
-door open-
cupa: -facepalm- i should see that coming, but thx
ender: -goes in and steals a diamond block- ^^ -teleports away-
cupa: ok then -goes in and shuts the door- wow -goes find matthews room-
matthew: -sleeping-
cupa: -opens his door- found you -walks up to him then cuddles and sleeps-
cupa: -wakes up and sees matthew scared- hi
matthew: don't blow me up
cupa: i won't cutie
matthew: cutie ? ....whats your name
cupa: cupa creeper :)
matthew: im matthewsworld2, call me matthew
cupa: ok ^^ , by the way a enderman stole your diamond block
matthew: ?! it did what
cupa: sorry -hides her face under her hoodie-
matthew: it-its ok cupa
cupa: -hugs him- thanks, can i stay here ?
matthew: as long you won't blow up
cupa: easy
matthew: then you can stay
cupa: yay^^