My Sethy-butt-bun-bun-love likes all kinds of things. Aside from me, one of those things happens to be Green Lantern. He's a real big (holy big, look at those giant nerd hips!) fan of the whole thing, but his favourite of every Lantern Tribe is the Indigo. Not only is Indigo flat-out Sethy's most favourite colour in all of existence, but the Indigo Tribe's specified emotion is compassion. They're the bleeding hearts of the universe. I could think of nothing more fitting for Sethy.
So, taking that and his love of curvy things and bulging spandex, I had JAEH whip this up. Jaeh is a comic buff too, so I couldn't have picked a better fella to go all DC-nerd on this and I think it turned out wonderfully.
Did you know that apparently the Indigo tribe is made up of some of the worst sociopaths in the galaxy? I think. I actually heard someone mention it in f-chat when we were talking about the Green lanterns, for some reason. Also, woot compassion :D
Did you know that apparently the Indigo tribe is made up of some of the worst sociopaths in the gala