I've always imagined that Megan would delight in sharing her love of stories with children, or anyone else who wanted to listen. This darling picture captures that idea so well!
Watcher appreciate gift from [iconname]PrincessSweets[/iconname] Original post: https://inkbunny.net/submissionview.php?id=648209 If you haven't yet, do go and check her out! She does amazing work.
Megan does look rather young here, doesn't she? I think that's just a coincidence, due to [iconname]PrincessSweets[/iconname]' cute style. But it could certainly be a picture of her when she was younger, too. After all, even adjusting for Deborah's age boost, she still would have been born when Megan was 19. 17 if I just retcon things entirely!
Megan does look rather young here, doesn't she? I think that's just a coincidence, due to [iconname]