Finally finished my badge! I tried to go all kaiju on my character design, but I think it's more like a feral monster look more than specifically kaiju. This thing sure came out huge, again. I really need to work on making smaller badges; it's 5"x5", unlaminated. I'm happy with the color palette for this one. I picked a theme of red-orange, yellow and lavender, and I think they came together quite nicely.
I'm actually opening limited slots for badges like this, where I take your character and monsterfy them. Those will be about 4"x4" though, because this size is just unpractical. See my journal for details if you're interested.
Please note that I did not create this font. It is a free to use font I traced from here. When I sell these badges, I will change the font a bit, but please rest assured I am not charging for the font in my price, just for the artwork of your character.