Seeing as how its been over a week, I should MINIMALLY get this image out....
Taken at AnthroCon for the Furry Femme Shoot - I was THRILLED to have 15 suiters show up and participate this year! Most were back from previous years, some had all-new outfits. I was THRILLED to see all the folks!
In this year's group photo (taken at the beginning of the shoot) are... (Con Badge Names)
(Top Row)
Bones, M BLACKWOOD, Jovina, Thumpie Bunny Eve, R C King, Chantilly Cat, Miaka
(Bottom Row)
Rylie395, Era Angelus, Chainer Prime, Icey, Sivenom, Rin The Dragon.
Though not in the group photo (due to poor info on where the shoot was located), Dilemma Hedgie WAS able to make it for individual shots as well! (Those will come soon.)
Ladies.... as always I am humbled by your generosity of time for this shoot. I'm glad there's a want for this shoot and I'll keep it going, for sure!
As always, I burned CD's for everyone who participated and had them at my table in the Zoo as I was recording my Wed-Night 80's Bash. So if you have NOT received your CD, please get in touch with me and I'll get that out to you. (Physical copy can be USPS mailed, electronic ISO X-fer via DropBox.. or check the webpage address you got on my business cards from the shoot for the gallery.)
Chantilly Cat
If anyone needs pics edited, I have the RAW files and will be happy to do what I can.... but as always... THANK you all, and I hope to see you back NEXT year!
--Shujin Tribble
Photography - Fursuit/Sculpture/Jewelry/etc
10 years, 7 months ago
14 Jul 2014 06:45 CEST
Initial: d5cc6518b4fab2525a405e94294e23cb
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