So... that was at the /beginning/ of the world cup, before it had even started...
Now after the humiliation from the very beginning (thanks for taking the revenge for us, Argentina), the rivality between Jazzy and me will even out because of our fursona's sizes, cuz Germany is on its way to win the cup.
Yeah, we placed a couple of bets on it, and I've lost them already.
Como argentino, es obvio que quiero que gane mi país, pero igual hubo festejo de sólo pasar a semifinales y ni te cuento ahora que pasamos a la final (hacía 24 años que no llegábamos a esta instancia!!)... Alemania es un gran rival, creo que tiene igual de merecida la copa porque desde que empezó el mundial jugaron MUY bien.
En fin, ahora la cuestión es si nosotros ganaremos nuestra revancha y la copa... Y sino, yo por lo menos, soy feliz con el subcampeonato :3
Como argentino, es obvio que quiero que gane mi país, pero igual hubo festejo de sólo pasar a semifi
I imagined you were after waving that tiny flag xD You did a good work, though! To each, their own. We lost because of our own ineptitude, but also because you guys did it very well! Up to the semifinals no less!
I imagined you were after waving that tiny flag xD You did a good work, though! To each, their own.