Is Chrysalis even in this story anymore? Not that I'm complaining. Applejack and...that Changeling make a cute couple. And that Changeling can deny it all he wants. But we all know that he (it is a he, right?) loves AJ.
And if a Changeling can love, wouldn't that mean that it can create it's own food source and feed itself? Because if so, why don't the Changelings just consider finding an actual love interest instead of stealing the love of others?
Is Chrysalis even in this story anymore? Not that I'm complaining. Applejack and...that Changeling m
Title of this story is When Villain win. So we focus a story at a villain. Changeling was count as a villain too, ya know. Even they just a drone. So they are part of this story too.
In my theory. Changeling have a feeling. They can feel love too. But their feeling don't create a magic. It don't have magic in it's feeling. So they need another creature's love and magic of love. If friendship is magic. Love can be a magic too.
And in my theory of this story. Chrysalis is like Alicorn for Changeling race. While all changeling is like Unicorn+Pegasus+Earth pony. Chrysalis don't give birth to all changeling. She is just a ruler of them. And all Changeling have family with another changelings or even with pony while being in disguise.
One last thing...Chang is guy. Because all soldier are guy...
Title of this story is When Villain win. So we focus a story at a villain. Changeling was count as a
You know, it would probably be easier for changelings to get their food from love of ponies if they were at peace. That way, a pony and a changeling can fall in love, like AJ and Change. Then the changelings wouldn't even have to pretend to be someone (and something) else to get their food.
You know, it would probably be easier for changelings to get their food from love of ponies if they