I've been meming meaning to produce this idea for months, but was finally now pushed to do so by the approach of Anthrocon.
All the instructions are listed within the image itself, so there's not much more to explain here. So, in short: download the image, complete the meme, post!
(Note that if you pursue "Option B" as described in the instructions above, you must still adhere to Inkbunny's (or any other respective site's) Acceptable Content Policy. That is, if you use an existing image to fulfil this meme, you must either upload it on an external site (imgur is a good and simple choice), or make a substantial change to it that reflects your own work.)
When posting your completed version, I recommend linking to this original template for those who subsequently find it and wish to participate. Oh, and if you wish, I'd love to see what anyone comes up with, whether for me or anyone else, so I encourage you to link to your instalments in the comments below!