Well this took me bloody forever as well but that isn't what I mean.
So, story behind why this image exists; I just imagined Blaze in a ballroom gown and I wanted it to happen because it amused me and so here we are.
In-character K’Sara likes seeing Blaze mildly embarrassed so this situation is entirely her fault. Not that Blaze is going to complain too earnestly since this is hardly the most of what K’Sara gets up to. And the dragoness herself wanted to indulge a little in the old stories of dragons kidnapping princesses for themselves.
And so Blaze has become the prettiest princess. ;3;
You may not see much more of him in that gown from me for a while because holy fuck it took forever. Sure I took a few hiatuses while this was still in progress but all those little rose things on the arms and hips took like two days alone and I am not in much of a hurry to do this again as much as I like how the gown turned out.
Also don’t mind the doors; their handles may seem far too high but that’s just because he’s at K’Sara’s place and pretty much everything is her-sized. If you’re a 9’ tall dragoness and you carve your own den out of solid rock, you might as well make it to your own specifications.