Hey guys,
I decided to start a 2015 Calender featuring some of my experimental work. The calender in question revolves around the Chinese Zodiac, featuring all twelve of the animals of the zodiac. The reason why this is an experimental piece of art is because of what medium this piece was done.
At first you could see that it's a painting done in Sumi-E, or Chinese and/or Japanese Painting, which is usual done in a traditional medium, however this piece is done in a different medium all together... it completely digital. You heard right, a Digital Sumi-E Painting. It took me a while to figure out all the kinks in making it work, but I found out the basic flow and came up with this. I know that it's not the preferred medium, to be honest I'm kinda expecting some hate mail for doing this painting completely in pixels rather than ink and watercolor; but like I said, it's nothing more than an experimental piece of art. I'm just trying it out.
Back onto the topic at hand, if you're familiar with the story of the Chinese Zodiac, then you'd know that the "Year of the Rat" comes first, in other words, this is the first painting you'll see when you open the calender. I hope to add some dialogue in the calender as to what each animal stands for, so pardon for neglecting to add it to this painting, and the following paintings to come. I'd really like to get some feedback on this. Please feel free to write whatever, except anything offensive. Writing anything offensive'll get you blocked from my page. I look forward to hear what you have to say.
Thanx for reading,
~Craig Lupine
aka (Craig Poling II)
10 years, 7 months ago
26 Jun 2014 00:27 CEST
Initial: fe4a4109935dd4db03e05b0f54b915a6
Full Size: fe4a4109935dd4db03e05b0f54b915a6
Large: ca06d55f42a36c3a06ea5af3e6c7412c
Small: 9cce8fca3f094796f5cff3cf814c6df8
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