Character Sheet for Lio
Character Description
A very short, young, intelligent boy. Can be stubborn at times, and definitely has a temper when pressed. Is usually sweet and helpful, when he's not playing videogames or stuck at school.
Lio tries his best to be accommodating and helpful to those in need. He's smart and resourceful, drawing on his surroundings and (very limited) life experience to get him out of trouble. He likes to think that he's independent, but heavily relies on encouragement and praise from others.
+Aculeo, when he's not being a douche
+Sweets (really fancy desserts are his weakness)
Born as an only child to upper-middle-class parents, Lio recently moved to a new city. Without friends or familiarity, he hid his loneliness in video games, until a magic door, invisible to everyone but him, appears in his room. The door was created by Aculeo, who uses it as a bridge between the Underworld and the Mortal World. He quickly befriends Aculeo and becomes his human chaperone in the Mortal World, granting him limited magical abilities to aid in Aculeo's requisite battles. Aculeo frequently takes him back to the Underworld for hangouts and sleepovers, where Lio made acquaintances with the other demons.
Mom (business woman, workaholic)
Dad (Executive chef, works long hours)
Aculeo (bff, sidekick)
Petrichor (dumb bully)
The Mortal World, our world.
Short, pale-ish complexion, dark choppy hair, green eyes. Chubby-ish shota cheeks.
T-shirts, usually with a meme, logo, or pop icon on it. Shorts. Sneakers.
Handheld videogames, which under the influence of his magic, transform into monster hunting equipment.