You know how it is with us cubs. Sometimes we get cranky and throw tantrums, sometimes we're silly and loud and don't wanna listen. Matty is no different, he's a cute lil guy but he can get pouty and whiny and mad at times. This time there's something that helps. Putting a pacifier in your lil tots muzzle doesn't always hush the lil buggers, and sometimes they spit them out! But not with the hypno paci. Oh no, lil Matty was being a pouty baby and didn't want to go outside and play because his favorite cartoon was on. But once that comfy hypno paci popped into his muzzle and he began suckling on it those subtle, hypnotic suggestions blanked the toddler's mind. No more pouting. No more whining. Just his veemon plush, a thick pampers, and happy thoughts as that pacifier did what pacifiers are supposed to do! Such a good baby :3 art by