oh hush! time goes faster when you feel good, our first month. love you gurl!! Im not the kind of celebrate monthly anniversaries but...she does and...I love to make her happy!!! hush!! so happy first month beauty! Thanks for all!
Selena woke up early this morning, very excited. She wasn't a morning person and often woke up somewhat grumpy. But today was a special day. A smile appeared on her face.
- Oh, good morning, bubu!- a happy voice said.
The fensky turned her face to look at her girlfriend. Her tail wagged as her smile grew wider.
- Good morning, bebé- Selena replied back as Roxy was kissing her forehead.
- Do you know which day we are today? The lavender wolf said with a wide smile, looking at Selena's golden glare with her own blue eyes.
- Heck yeah I do! Woke up early to look at your pretty face, and looks like you had the same idea-..., the fensky said in a giggle as she sat on the bed, yawning and stretching. She then got up, put on a tank top and shorts at the same time as Roxy.
- Come here, I will comb your hair!-Roxy said with a smile as she was sitting on the bed.
The fensky giggled, nodded and sat back on the bed, in front of Roxy, her back turned to her. The lavender wolf couldn't help but took Selena's shoulders, pulled her so the hybrid could lean on her thigh. The fensky let out a little scream.
- Happy one month together, bubu... Je t'aime- Roxy said as she kissed her girlfriend's forehead.
Selena & story by "selenashadowpaws" (FA)
Art & Roxy by me!
10 years, 8 months ago
18 Jun 2014 02:49 CEST
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