Peni Tails
Episode 1: Crystal Clear
It is the year 2025, the Great War was over, the JPA was in ruins, too small of a number to be a threat, and there has been no need for heroes for 5 years. Now we take our focus to an island in the Pacific Ocean that was once home to an ancient civilization now home to Penitatas Families, where the heroes of old now call home. This is Penadise and this is my home.
===In the Mountains near Danny’s Castle===
Angelina, a young troublemaker accused of 7 rapes including that of the Hero of Dandarido City, guides a scared Blueberry, a young girl who is friends with the Hero of Dandarido City accused of assaulting an officer of the law, through the hazardous mountain passes. Blueberry then asked looking down scared “Can we go back now? I don’t want to get in trouble for this”, in which Angelina replied, “We won’t get in trouble, I do this all the time”, in which Blueberry then replied as they both inched little by little to the bigger cliff “And your ass is as red as a beet after those times, too.” Blueberry then hugged the wall her heart pounding 100 miles a minute, but luckily, they reach the bigger cliff where Angelina hands Blueberry a rock saying looking at all the beautiful geode formations all over the place “Throw a rock at one of these formations it’s fun”, Blueberry then taken the rock, “OK, if you say so, Miss Angelina.” She then tossed the rock and hit the odd three spike crystal formation as a secret door built into the wall opened up and slowly approached the door scared as usual, but then Angelina pushes her in saying “Come on, let’s explore the cave together, Blue.”
Inside the cave, Blueberry landed with a thud on the ground saying “HEY, be careful, miss Angelina”, Angelina then replied, “Yeah, yeah, I’ll remember next…” The sight of a girl that looked liked she were made out of amethyst interrupted Angelina and asked Blueberry “Who is that up ahead?” in which Blueberry replied, “Never seen her in Penadise before in my 5 years here.”, Angelina then kicked the girl lightly saying “Hey, wake up.”
After Angelina said that, the girl started to shake and then sits up as Blueberry falls on her ass scared and back away up to the wall shaking like a leaf. Angelina said to the girl “Your awake, you know it’s not safe to sleep in the mountains. What’s your name?” The girl replied not knowing her name, “I don’t know.” in which Angelina then asked, “Where are you from?” in which the girl answered, “I don’t know.” Angelina then said to the girl sighing, “You must have that am…am…”, Blueberry then answered trying to muster up the courage, “The word is amnesia and my name is Blueberry Hedgie and the pink ball of fuzz over there is Angelina Maximus, troublemaker extraordinaire.”, Angelina then growled saying “I’m adventurous, two different things. It’s best we leave now and get back to East City.” As they leave the cavern a male voice said, “I heard voices up here.” in which another male voice answered, “It came from over there”, Blueberry then said after hearing the voices scared, “I don’t want a paddling from Danny.” The two people approaches them being Exile Starship Command foot soldiers and grabbed the three saying “Figures, Angelina is involved, but the bunny is usually law abiding and I don’t know about the third one. It’s a visit to the King for all three of you.” The ESC drags the three off to the huge castle in the middle of the mountains owned by the greatest and smartest of the Heroes, Danny Alejandro Porcupine.
===An hour later in Danny’s Office in Penadise Castle===
The ESC foot soldiers that caught the three escorted them into the office as Danny was sitting in his big chair looking out the window saying “We caught these three in the mountains, sir”, Danny then turned around saying with a sigh “That figures, but this is a first for the other two.” Blueberry was scared to death and shaking like a leaf saying, “She forced me to come with her, I tried to reject but she dragged me along against my will”. Danny got up and comforted the scared bunny with a hug and a pet saying “I won’t punish you since was brought there against your will, but who is the other girl”, Blueberry then answered calming down, “She doesn’t know her name or her home. We found her in the mountains.” Danny looked at the girl then replied “Don’t worry, I will get the authorities to take her and find her family”, Blueberry then replied to him acting brave for once in her life, “No, I’ll take her in and I’m sure Mia wouldn’t mind taking care of her, until she we can find her family”. Danny sighs and asked as he goes back to his desk, “Fine, she is your responsibility. Did you find anything else in your little unsupervised visit to the mountains?”, Blueberry nods and answers “We found her in a secret room, I threw a rock at a classic video game style crystal formation and the wall opened up, besides her there was a door with strange scribbling on it.”. Danny then smiles and says “This could be the gateway to the Ancient Capital of the Crystallian Empire we been looking for on the island, thanks Blueberry and I will reward you with freedom, take your little crystal friend and leave. If you are right, you will get an award for it, but your troublemaker friend here has a date with the paddle.” Blueberry walks out of the room with her new friend saying to her “Hate to be her right now, but you gotta learn.” Blueberry closes the doors as the first whack of several is heard from the closed door and says to her friend “You need a name, since found you in that cave and you look like a crystal that I seen on TV, I’ll name you Amethyst since you look like you are made of that crystal.”. Amethyst smiles and says, “Amethyst sounds pretty.” Blueberry also says it saying, “Amethyst Hedgie sounds good to me.”
===In Ultra Freeze, a popular Ice Cream Shoppe in East City===
Virtuoso, the hero of the Empire War accused of grand theft auto and destroyed Volcanus in the Great War, sits in her favorite booth and says while sipping on a vanilla milkshake she holds in her mechanical arm. “Man patrolling a city is boring. I wish I were on the frontlines, but there has been no need for heroes going on 5 years now. Man I miss the good old days, battling the Empire, traveling the world, and helping those in need. All I get is random vandals, trespassers, and rowdy bar patrons. “ Mave, a Medico Penitatas who survived an Anti-Penitatas Movement bomb that blow up his office, enters in the store and sits in the booth saying “Hi, Virt, what are you doing?”, Virtuoso answers as she sets her milkshakes down “Reminiscing about the good old days, back when I was fighting the Empire. I wonder how Darth Mar is doing, it’s been 5 years since our paths crossed.”, Mave answered, “I bet he’s doing OK, he mentioned wanting to come to Penadise soon, but also our soldiers noticed the Polaris Empire is on the move to cause trouble here. They reported two soldiers gearing up talking about Penadise and they are to be feared being two of the strongest warriors in the Polaris Empire.” Virtuoso just smirks and says “Strongest in the Empire? I just might get to have my excitement yet, and I think I may be in love with Mar, I been thinking of him a lot. So how is Sharon Mousie?” Mave answers her “She is not fairing any better than when she was attacked 3 days ago, but then again it’s too soon to judge if she is going to live or not. I hope she pulls through or else we need a new king”, Virtuoso sighs and replies to Mave “I don’t want to lose my dad, I love him so much. I seen him visiting the church a lot, I know he’s going there to pray for Sharon’s recovery and also because of the hot new priestess that recently moved in he has the hots for.”
===In the Chapel of the Host on Riven Avenue===
Danny is at the alter kneeling praying to the Host for Sharon saying tearing up and his voice breaking “Please my goddess, I’ll do anything if you let my other half pull through, it was my fault that monster attacked Sharon because I was too weak to protect her.” A cute fox wearing the attire of the female Cleric in Dragon Quest III enters in saying “Hey there, mister. You seem to be a staple of this place recently, so your friend was injured by the fabled Chaopacabra.”, Danny nods saying still kneeling “Yeah, I couldn’t protect her because I was weak and a coward.”, the priestess comforts him saying “You tried your best, the Chaopacabra has tough armor, one something like a lightsaber could cut through it.” Danny stands up full of confidence and asked “Miss, you want to maybe go grab a bite to eat with me later?” the Priestess then blushes and asked “Are you asking me out? Even though I’m a priestess, I accept because you are kinda cute, King Porcupine, and my name is Pamela, Pamela Fox”, Danny then replied “Danny Alejandro Porcupine, Cybernetic Warrior.” Pamela gasped and says, “You are one of the Heroes of the Great War and conqueror of Celestia, Danny. It would be an honor to go out with you now.” Danny was surprised ad said about her knowledge of Celestia “The small battle against Celestia is not readily known knowledge to civvies” Pamela looked down and answered feeling sorry about what she said “I was near a battlefield when I was at the Abbey of the Host when I saw the Battle of Host Bay out the window”. Danny gets up and says “Pick you up tomorrow at noon and try to keep the Sanctuary Falls War under wraps because we don’t need Christians thinking that we were trying to destroy heaven.” Danny then gets up and leaves leaving 20,000 Rings as an offering to the Prototype Penitatas, the Goddess worshipped in the Chapel of the Host.
After Danny leaves, Pamela looks at the Stain Glass Window of the Prototype Penitatas and asked herself “I wonder if the Grandia is real or not, no one has seen her since she was turned. This temple was built in her honor because next to Virtuoso, she is the most famous Penitatas on New Earth.”
==On a Polaris Ship near Chile==
Two polar bears standing over 10 foot tall and weighing at a combined weight of 1000 lbs are relaxing onboard their freezing ship garbed in what appears to be Saiyan Armor equipped with Cooling Devices. The younger of the polar bears asked the elder “Why does the king want us to go to a fucking backwater called Penadise? There’s nothing up there, that place is mostly death to our kind.” The elder polar bear then answered “Because people from our glorious empire has been raving about Penadise and even began life there, the king wants to gage their strength in order to try to form an alliance with them. This could help the battle between Penitatas and the Polaris Empire since the Legendary Hero of the Penitatas is said to reside on that island. Maybe she can help quail the fighting between Penitatas and the Polaris Empire if we make an alliance with Penadise.” In which the younger the replied “Or cause the to attack harder than usual. I may not know all these fancy words, but what if we prove to be not powerful enough for the Legendary Penitatas, I heard she defeated Emperor Volcanus twice and even disbanded the Anti-Penitatas Movement and the KND.” The Elder the replied “A Warrior is not measured in deeds alone, but by strength because deeds without strength means nothing, she may be strong, but we are a proud race my young padawan. I sure hope to meet Danny A. Porcupine again.” The younger perked and asked “You know EX Superstar Danny A Porcupine, the only EX Superstar who currently has a winning streak while in active racing duty?” The elder replied blushing “Yeah, he get somewhat stronger during the EX and Grand Festival time, most my loses in racing came from him and I had a winning streak up to meeting him, but he broke the streak without breaking a sweat, they say the audience’s cheers and chants power him up. I should know all this because my name is Jack Glacier, the best Racer in the Arctic.”
The scene cuts to the ship sailing, which looks like a giant glacier, and the Danny the Narrator saying “The mysterious foes are passing Chile heading northwest, which means they are only one day away from Penadise. Who is Jack Glacier and his mysterious padawan, will Virtuoso beat them or will she fall to the gigantic terrors of the arctic, will Penadise fall or will Penadise stand above them, and who is the mysterious amethyst girl that Blueberry and Angelina found in the mountains? These answers and more solved on the next action-packed Episode of Peni Tails.”