This weekend, I engage in a bit of artistic blasphemy.. or perhaps its a tribute to the old masters? (I'm really hoping that everyone gets where this is from!) But in any case, Etheras must have been born out of the severed testicle of his father when it was thrown into the sea (because ... that totally makes sense, right?)
I realize I'm being terribly enigmatic here, so maybe I should just move on to mentioning that there is a non-canvas-textured version of this image that lives in my scraps. Click here to see it!. ^.^
----- Artwork is by :iconBrindle: Etheras is (c)
I'd call it a tribute to the Birth of Venus, rather than blasphemy. You're hardly the first to make derivative of that particular icon, and it's well done so where's the harm?
I'd call it a tribute to the Birth of Venus, rather than blasphemy. You're hardly the first to make