Way to go bro now being watch is your kink right now *yay*, and three wingboners and dat look from Rarity and AJ bachelorette party and another of dat look from Pinkie brilliant!!!!!!! I love it, i saw a small grammat mistake on dash is suppose to say "Hey,we missed the train because of you!" just a minor one.
Way to go bro now being watch is your kink right now *yay*, and three wingboners and dat look from R
I don't see any problem there., while one be male and the other female, besides, is this more strange than a lesbian relationship between a mare and a changeling? (coffcoffcelestiacoffcoffcrysaliscoffcoff)
I don't see any problem there., while one be male and the other female, besides, is this more strang
Yeah, because is surely something unexpected, to see one of your best friends to be kissing with someone unexpected, tell me you wouldn't have that reaction?
Yeah, because is surely something unexpected, to see one of your best friends to be kissing with som
clearly you dont watch anime, okay little anime/manga trivia when a character (usually a male but not always] develops a spontaneous massive nosebleed it indicates sudden crippling arousal (the idea is i think that a spike in blood pressure causes the nose bleed] the usual suspects for this are, seeing a hot person naked, encountering a character with 'very' large breasts clothed or otherwise, or having such suggested to one repeatedly when already in a 'bothered' state...there is an even stronger version which causes the afflicted character to fly backwards and pass out as if they had been punched in the face. (also used in comicabove)..so yeah....i think your probably one of the only ones who didn't know what they were doing.
clearly you dont watch anime, okay little anime/manga trivia when a character (usually a male but no
It means that to me, male+female isn't the only option. Sure, heterosexual couples are more frequent, but just because there's a guy and a girl in the same room, it doesn't mean that they have to have sex.
~~~ Quote by xcar: ... That have no sense. ~~~ It means that to me, male+female isn't the only
Fluttershy goes VERY shy. (>u<) someone do something! Twi's gonna bleed out! (°A°) Rarity! You little voyeur! ... and don't think we don't see that rockhard wingboner in the las panel, Dashie. Pinkie... okay, just keep on being Pinkie :D
Fluttershy goes VERY shy. (>u<) someone do something! Twi's gonna bleed out! (°A°) Rarity! You littl
so twi is passed out from blood lost, flutters is hiding in her wings, rd is feeling steamy, rarity is being a voyeurist and pinkies being pinkie that pretty accurate?
so twi is passed out from blood lost, flutters is hiding in her wings, rd is feeling steamy, rarity
in the first. I think to use number. But It's not fit in the panel.(It have no space to place.) So I use line. Since it's not mass with pictures in panel, sir.
It's my pleasure to have your comment. *bow*
in the first. I think to use number. But It's not fit in the panel.(It have no space to place.) So I
...I'm no Brony, I will admit. But this comic has captivated me. The cuteness has been honed into a sharp and unerring weapon of mass discombobulation, and the strike is dead-center. I do hope more are coming; this is a cute and endearing story. Bravo.
...I'm no Brony, I will admit. But this comic has captivated me. The cuteness has been honed into