I have dealt with Autistic people before working in retail. They are mostly nice people, though one teenaged autistic boy, I made a mistake of saying the wrong thing. He didn't go off in a rage or anything, but after a few minutes after I said it, he started to almost go into a panic attack. I felt scared, but his father was there with him and kept him calm. I never did get a chance to apologize to the boy or his father, as I was fired a few days later for something different.
I have dealt with Autistic people before working in retail. They are mostly nice people, though one
Nuuuuu....*covers ears*. I hate hearing about something like that. While I'm glad you're still here, I don't like hearing someone thinking about killing themselves.
Nuuuuu....*covers ears*. I hate hearing about something like that. While I'm glad you're still here,
Terms are thrown around loosely in general when it comes to mental health. My biggest pet peeve is when someone says "oh I'm so OCD, look how organized I am." and I just kinda go, "Look I'm OCD, here is my prescribed medication"
Terms are thrown around loosely in general when it comes to mental health. My biggest pet peeve is w