12/9/14 - Updated Mane Six, Princess Celestia, Princess Luna and Midnight Runner to match new style 3/6/2015 - Updated Trixie from "Egotistical" to "Boastful" with new vector and added Starlight Glimmer from Season 5 4/14/15 - Added alternate Doctor Whooves "Allons-y!" 10/10/2015 - Updated the CMC's Cutie Marks (RIP Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo)
Meaningful title is meaningful
If you're interested in your own, PM me for details
Canon Ponies (c) Lauren Faust and Hasbro All OCs (c) Their respective owners
Twilight Sparkle Pinkie Pie Applejack Rainbow Dash Rarity Fluttershy Derpy Hooves Princess Luna Princess Celestia Princess Cadance Cheerilee Apple Bloom Sweetie Belle Scootaloo Colgate/Minuette Daring Do Roseluck Spitfire Vinyl Scratch Octavia Melody Time Turner/Doctor Whooves Lyra Heartstrings Pinkamena Diane Pie Flutterbat Lord Tirek Changeling Princess Cadance (Disguised) Queen Chrysalis Discord King Sombra Sunset Shimmer Trixie Lulamoon Starlight Glimmer Zecora Lauren Fausticorn
It's a little tricky to figure out, but once you get the hang of it, it's a lot of fun to use - No Cutie Mark option though If you manage to hammer out a rough design, you can give that to people to make a better version and fine-tune it (I highly recommend saving as hi-res)
If you can get the images, I'll be more than happy to make you one ^^ Alternatively, there are also
Much like how the Organization's Coats make them hard to spot, my character's special talent is to be able to blend into the background (sometimes literally)
He rather likes being a Nopony
Correct! Much like how the Organization's Coats make them hard to spot, my character's special tale
If you have a forward-facing vector of your OC as well as a Cutie Mark and characteristic, I could make one for you You can usually find someone willing to make vectors over on DeviantArt or MLPForums
If you have a forward-facing vector of your OC as well as a Cutie Mark and characteristic, I could m