Cold moonlight spills across Jessica’s face stirring her from her slumber, she rubs her eyes fiercely to clear her vision as sparks of blue and green light still flutter across her eyes from the trauma of being struck in the back. The ground feels dank and the air smells of mold. There is a window in the upper left corner of the room far too small for even a child to squeeze through dressed with moss. There is a cadge door to her right and to either side a matching cell block, there is a chamber pot on a bed near the center of the room and a chain bracing her to the bed allowing her run of only half the room.
In the cage to one side of her sits hidden in the darkness a fellow prisoner, a middle-aged woman with flashing white fur and black hair with shimmering purple eyes, she sits with her lags tucked into her chest to hide her features, the cooing of birds echoes throughout the silences of the dungeon orchestrated by the tiny birds that have crawled in through windows and prances about the cadges. Jessica’s cell mate is clearly amused by the animals.
Jessica finally gains her wit and jumps to her feet, “the children!” she calls forgetting her feet are bound her runs to the door to see if it is locket and falls onto all fours when she come to find that the bed is fussed to the ground.
The women across form Jessica speaks up in a strangely manly voice “Jessica Brispbane, have no fear, Mother Corn’s children are in no danger.” The voice is low and monasteries, slow and commanding.
Jessica bites her hand thinking “Brispbane? I haven’t been called Brispbane sinces…” she freezes thinking, as the words sink in she crawls away from the door sliding on her back as far from the stranger as she can “Kari!” only the princess of fire new Jessica as Brispbane which can only mean that this is Princess Darklairs other half.
“I far prefer Crow, But yes Kari is what your people call me today. But what is a name anyway? I have been called so many but they always have the same meaning, so is it the name that identifies you or you that identify the name?” Kari rolls her neck stretching “I think we are each subject to the actions of ourselves therefor we really don’t need names. You more them most can feel that your eyes and your noise can see past such formality.” She leans in slightly “take a deep breath, taste my blood in the air and know in your mind what your heart has already told you. It is I, your god, in the flesh.”
“I have tasted your flesh once before, I need not do so again.”
“I see why Meyu liked you so. You are courageous and cowardice at once, Such the symbol of the age from which you came.” Kari goes one.
“why are you here?”
“you are speaking with the creator of your world and that is really what you want to ask?” she stops a moment “but after so many profits I should have guessed that it is all ways the most advises and least worth will questions that get asked first. As always my motivations are selfish.” She waits a moment. “one of my sisters children are running amuck on my playground and I want them to leave.”
“You’re asking me to fight a goddess?”
“are you kidding, your hapless, no match of a god despite all the blessings that have been rained down on you, beauty, immortality, command over water and fire and ever so sensitive to even the most simple of movement, but no you are no match for a Tamriel-child. What you are to do is simple by comparison. I want this city empty; you can go back underground or off to the wilderness somewhere but wherever there is it is away from here. Anyone still whithin reach in two weeks’ time becomes food for us.”
“Why give me this job. My mate would be so much more…”
Kari stops her “You are a spawn of Ceto, mother of monsters, and she belongs to me.”
“And if I don’t?”
“think hard about what I am telling you. I am giving you the opportunity to save the lives of oh so many of your own. You, a child of Ceto, mother of your race being give the changes to remind the world of who you are. And I can give you all that you need to make this moment last forever.”
“I’m not like that. I’m no mother to a race,” Jessica tries to say “I only had a hand full of kids…”
“And how many children did they each have?” Kari points out.
There is a long silence before Jessica speaks again “why would one with all your might be bound to a body so, uninspiring.”
“How would you like me to appear?” Kari turns to sand and fades between the walls: shinning like gold the phantom snakes around Jessica lifting her into the air and rolling her about haplessly a moment. “or is this more of what you were imagining?” the room fills half with water instantly then burst into flames, wind wipes the room around and the walls quake. Jessica screams being thrown around in the chaos. “I can be as kind or a cruel as you would like me to be. But why should the master of creation be anything shy of desirable? I look as I do because I wont to be loved and therefore must be something worthy of a dream, whatever the dream of the day happens to be.”
Kari turns next to a flock of flowers and feather floating about the room, the flowers flutter around Jessica rolling her around on the ground, Jessica pulls her arms and legs into her chest definitively, the room becomes warmer, Jessica shacks herself as if to shoo away the change “your next question of me would be ‘and what function does the creator serve to the created?’ to that one must ask themselves what would one wish of their betters? When we look to ourselves we find that it is more desirable to serve a malevolent king the a neglectful one for a cruel king is a predictable one, anger lures hate, hate lure judgment, love inspires mercy, but to be neglected leads only to empty promises with or without prayer. But even uncaring is worthwhile over absences. A vengeful king may still reword on that brings him plusher and that is just what I am. I find you amusing.”
Jessica sweats and pants overtaken by the unadulterated spiritual power filling the room, her body falls limp as she allows herself to be controlled “what is it that motivates you Brispbane? Be it The past? Or that which is yet to come? If I were to rain my will onto you would you bring the dead back to life? Would you summon a monsoon of good tithings on your brethren? Or fill yourself with gluttony saving yourself from hardship for lifetimes to come? Do not answer in hast. Time is one thing you and I have little to fear of.” Jessica rolls around on the ground squalling till atlast she is drained of her strength and collapses from the overwhelming energy in the air.
Jessica rolls unto her side and curls herself tightly into a ball. Kari retakes her Kobolt shape back in the corner from which she came. “Fourteen day, that is what I can offer you. Lead your people away from Gray Wall Keep before then or I cannot offer them protection any longer, you will be my harbinger, you will offer a sermon every other day from now till the calling and after each sermon I will reveal a taste of my power to them. Those who heed the words of my harbinger will be blessed, those who’s hearts are unmoved will be cursed. So let my will be done.”
Jessica finds the energy to whisper with Kari “and if they refuse to hear my words?”
“Then you and Corn’s family will rebuild Gray Wall Keep atop the bones of the unwise.”
“Are you grater then the advisory to who you will fight?”
“There are no gods grater left in heaven.”
“Then you have no equal?” Kari refused to respond allowing Jessica to contemplate for herself what has already been told.
10 years, 9 months ago
30 May 2014 18:41 CEST
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