Scara walks into the heart of Graywall gloating over her victory. The acids of Scara’s body slowly melt the dead remains of Jessica… till she opens he eyes, her eyes now a burring purple. The sky over head rips open as the mighty void comes into this world, in all its glory it covers the day sky from horizon to horizon. Scara stands frozen unsure what is happening.
The void speaks in a tongue no living beast speaks but everyone alive understands it “For three thousand years I have slept. Only my dreams walk amongst you whispering history to me. Scara daughter of my sister, for too long you have eaten from my plate. Feasted on the souls of those that are rightfully mine, my Avatar gave you an avenue of escape. You thought it would be more fun to smite me? Behold the King of Tamriel has risen.
Scara giggles “good morning father. I’m just playing. Go back to sleep.”
“play or no play you raised enough hell to call me here. Return now to our kingdom or I will drag you there.” Scara has a moment’s hesitation as she looks about at her playground. Jessica wraps her fingers around her staff and it grows a long hooked blade from its tip forged of evil fire, Jessica swings the blade down into the spiders intestines cussing a vomit reflex spitting the Weaver onto the earth.
Jessica speaks with the voice of Cravixs overlying her own. “you can have it your way Scara.” Tornado’s start ripping out of the earth sending rocks thousands of feet in the air, fire spills form the cracks in the top soil. Ice swirls around the weavers hands. Jessica punches her hands off to her sides and a web of darkness entwines the town. All the spiders and anything else caught in the web die instantly, there lifeforce sucked into Jessica to feed her growing need for strength
Scara cries “Father stop!”
Jessica glares into Scara, Jessica’s glance alone starting to turn the spider to stone. The void sends down a set of hands forged form lightening to pick up the dyeing goddess nd suck her back into their world.
In a flash the battle is over, but the integrity of the island is compromised, water spills in from the groundwater tables starting to drag the land back to the bottom of the sea. Jessica turns to fog flying to the land’s end.
When she turns back to herself, she has grown even younger, back to the prim of her life. She is strong and sexy her body reset to when she was but sixteen seasons old, her glasses now hinder her so she hides them away.
The survivors of the battle are just arriving Jessica appears. Still possessed by Kari Jessica looks to the ocean stabbing her reaper into the ground and calling forth a whirlpool to part the ocean and reveal a ship made of steel half the size of the island itself t seems. Holding back the water with her force of will she orders the people of the kingdom to flee to the ship. No one dares do otherwise.
Pepper runs up to Jessica hugging her when he comes into sight. Still burning with power she reaches down placing one hand on his back holding him to her body taking in his warmth. “I thought you fell in battle.”
Baba-Yung exsplains “she did. Look at her eyes, that is not Jessica the Weaver, that is Kari.” Peppers head lifts to look into Jessica’s eyes, what Baba has claimed is surly true
Jessica rubs the boy’s back, her head up and tail raised exhilarated by the ecstasy of warmth on her skin. Jessica turns to the apostles. “Go to the ship. It is time for our exodus.” The last of the vagabonds make their way to the sunken ship. Once Jessica has set foot on it the ship wraps with sliver and the years of rust melt away bringing the ship to the peak of its glory.
Glowing orbs line the ship so it never grows dark, wood, sliver steel and glass adorn the walls with an artistic flair like few have ever seen, even Caliguluse finds himself amazed by the grace of the ship “Allure of Seas” is written on the side of the boat: it is more than 40 bodies langh form the desk to the top of the tallest tower on the vessel, there are more than 3000 doors lining the ship, each door leading to a new room, walking from corner to corner of the main deck takes 3555 paces. Every cupboard abord the ‘Allure of seas’ overflowing with food, no mater how much food is taken out the cupboards never have any less food.
The see falls back into place and the ship is afloat, for days the void is all that can be seen in the sky, but once is retreats the sky is still dark. The ship movie of its own will as if pushed on its path by the ghost of the fallen. Jessica stands unmoving, unbreathing for days on in at the port of the ship watching the world roll by. Life on the ship is good for a time, no one grows ill, and in fact many believe that they are growing younger and stronger as the days pass.
Weeks, maybe months pass as the ship movie across gray water and blind white sky. From time to time Jessica enjoys a moments clarity and in that time she tracks down Corn to keep her promise teaching her how to use the ancient power. But quickly the darkness takes her again.
As luck would have it Corn learns that Jessica had given knowlage of the ancient power to many beast around the land, including Sigh, Caliguluse, Baba-Yung and Odidimuse (who in turn was Monty’s teacher) Corn seeks out the other practitioners of the ancient power to try to understand what has become of Jessica.
Monty is the first to come to a conclusion “most beast can call on the ancient power but we are limited in the ways we can forge it. But only a few can even choose what shape the power takes. Jessica is ended something special, her power is nearly without equal. But she reached her plat toe years ago. But when Kari touched her, she took in more power then her body could handle. It looks to me as if to protect itself the mind created a second Jessica, one that is as we remember her, the other a monster that hungers endlessly for things of the flesh. An Id and in Ego.”
Corn ask him “can you heal her like she healed so many of us?”
“I don’t have that type of magic at my fingertips. Maybe Baba-Yung?”
“How long can she live like this?”
“if not for the blessing of the fire princess I imagine she would have died long ago. It is the ancient power that is killing her and the ancient power keeping her alive.”
Corn hunts every book and studies every spell for a year looking for the magic she wishes for. Many find so much strange about the ship. The young to not grow old, the old grow young, no new lives can be brought onto the ship and it is of no lack of trying. The ship incurages it’s riders to read and practice art. But not everyone is impressed with the accommodation after some time.
Many unwise souls question if a new home will ever be found. Jessica is angered by there lack of faith “Have I not given enough yet? I grant you your dreams! I grant you long life! I grant you wellness like few have ever enjoyed! I ask nothing in return. If the ship is not to your liking then feel free to step off the side.” When some grow even more angry and try to take control of the ship this leads to punishment. Those that try to fight Jessica turn to stone.
10 years, 9 months ago
30 May 2014 16:09 CEST
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