The Love of a Newborn Puppy
My life has just begun
My future as bright as the sun
You hold me in your arms
Keeping me safe from harm
Even though I cannot see
I know you love me
I am a newborn puppy
I know you love me
Your clay to sculpt
Clean of anything evil and corrupt
Setting the vitrues of life early
So as I grow, I can be cute and lovely
Even with my movement almost nonexistent
Your love and care remain perstitent
It is teh foundation of my formation
There is no better education
and as I drift to sleep to my happy puppy dreams
I begin to understand that we are team
To reach our goal
For me to be a happy soul
As the months go by, I get stronger
My fluffy tail becoming even longer
My body becomes bigger
My spirit and mind beam with vigor
You pick me up and cuddle
Your words of love become less muddled
With a murr and happy sigh
I open my eyes