Happy weekend, my fuzzy subjects! I hope you are all doing well.
Etheras always seeks the spotlight. Even though he's the iron paw of Greater Nubia, he blows off steam by performing as an exotic dancer at a casino just outside the city as a lookalike... for himself. While he's convinced that this is terribly clever and that he's fooled everyone, its a really public secret that the dancer known as Jynx is actually Etheras, who's come down from the Fennecropolis to grace them with a little number. Everyone knows its him, they just don't talk about it. But the sympathetic nerve mind control technology, as well as an elite security force, keep him safe, despite the close proximity to the public.
(Just a bit of canon there)
Artwork is by :iconKaboozleFA: Etheras the fennec is (c) www.etheras.com (which still isn't up as of 2014.05.24, but I'm working on it!) :P