You've stumbled upon the crazy raffle methods of yours truly. This pose on page two was originally in an auction, but the pony slot did not receive any bids. Which means there's a dragon, but no pony. So, I need me a pony.
Male, female, unicorn, pegasus, earth, draft, alicorn, whatever. It doesn't matter much to me what kind of pony, just that you got dem hooves. Even if you've only got an idea of your pony, as long as you're able to pull some color refs on at least Zois, then you can get whatever kinda pony you want. (Even guard armor, which is coming out soon from the last YCH.)
You can actually win to have canon characters put into that place if you'd rather.
RULES OF RAFFLE Each person who enters will be given numbers depending on just how they enter. At 11 PM EST on 5/21/14, the entries will close, and a winner will be chosen through RNG.
To earn numbers: You get one number for the following: - Commenting on this image stating you'd like to enter the raffle. - Posting references to your pony IN your entry comment. - Mentioning me in a journal. - Linking this submission in a journal. - Favoriting this submission.
Referral Program: - When already entered, if someone else enters and mentions that you referred them to this raffle, you both get another number for the raffle.
Watchers Program: - If you are watching me, and mention that during your entry comment, you get an extra number for free.
Because of how the raffle works, there's a greater chance of winning the more you do to get numbers. Since it IS determined through random number generation, that does not mean someone with more numbers is guaranteed to win compared to someone with low numbers.
So what're you waiting for? Come on and get a number for some free art!
You can count me in :3 Faved, Watched (even though it wasnt asked for X3), and ref his name is mintchomp (hes a maleherm btw ;3)
You can count me in :3 Faved, Watched (even though it wasnt asked for X3), and ref https://www.furaf