I think it was her watch. As the description says she was fiddling with her watch >.< I've often put my watch on backwards, then went to check the time and it was upside down.
I think it was her watch. As the description says she was fiddling with her watch >.< I've often pu
Oh, "to catch WHY she's fiddling with it." (Derp kitty =>.<;= ) Maybe she's timing someone or "something." She did take a glance at him before continuing.
Oh, "to catch *WHY* she's fiddling with it." (Derp kitty =>.<;= ) Maybe she's timing someone or "s
she is trying to time how long it takes the poor kitty to get a full boner and ask for dick up his ass cause well she has a bet on it with another member of the company
she is trying to time how long it takes the poor kitty to get a full boner and ask for dick up his a
i have a funny feeling she is saying her shirt is backwards, then she'll like turn it round but rust will be watching and everything and maybe that will be like extra hentai x3 idk it's what i think will happen
i have a funny feeling she is saying her shirt is backwards, then she'll like turn it round but rust