[Note: posted on Tumblr, but the description is the same as the one I wrote from there. This is the blog I'm talking about [link].]
I used to run a SFW blog before this one. A certain few people who follow me here used to know me back then as well. But as I decided to disown that blog and completely erase it from memory there are hardly any fossils to dig up; I wouldn't admit to them anyway.
Though there were many who were great inspirations -- the same people who followed me from the old blog -- three stands out as key characters to this transformation; of becoming Appel. Forgive me for becoming a little poetic now.
It was [iconname]Omnifob[/iconname], who made me draw my first NSFW drawing that was by request. He never asked for NSFW, but it just happened. It's the very first art post on this blog. Since then I've always looked back to Omnifob every now and then, always thanking him (in mind) for having awoken that spark within me. From Omnifob I learnt to be openly generous, for I approached him during his sour times and offered him something to cheer him up, for which the reward was enkindling.
, who I first befriended before this blog, that I would consult in regard to the decision to follow through on what Omnifob had started within me. Painful as it was to erase those messages, FearingFun provided invaluable confidence that I could move onto new pastures. From FearingFun I learnt to be openly approachable, for I approached him at such an opportune time to cheer him up for having missed two art challenges he wanted to partake in, for which the reward was heartening.
, who I had admired for a while, whom I approached as the first NSFW artist, thus breaking though my shell and allowing myself to talk to people without feeling pressured by anxiety. While he still grapples with this issue, he has my fullest gratitude for helping me deal with mine, and I hope he can eventually overcome his as well. From InfernalBeggar I learnt to be curious and inquisitive, and pay mind to those who intrigue me, rather than feign ignorance for fear of embarrassment and rejection, for which the reward was enlightening.
Call me sappy, but despite the many people I see myself indebted to, who have my honest and greatest gratitude, these three do feel like the pillars that helped shape me and put me where I am now. The beginnings, so to speak. The ones who made me braver, more motivated and more confident in my work and workings. So I dedicate this piece to them.