Haha, thanks for the video, it made me laugh! XD Nice aspects though, I really liek the things the guy pointed out, it was not only amusing but intriguing as well to listen to the facts he came up with :D And thank you for the comments and support, Bluesir <33 Sorry for not replying for everything, I did not intend to eb rude or anything.. I am just absent-minded and silly as ever.. and tired.. phoof .3.
Haha, thanks for the video, it made me laugh! XD Nice aspects though, I really liek the things the g
You're always welcome and don't worry about forgetting to respond; I understand that you have a lot going on. Keep up the good work and I have not forgotten about commissioning you. =3
You're always welcome and don't worry about forgetting to respond; I understand that you have a lot
I believe I'll draw more of him sometime as he really is one of my fav characters so far :I I even got a figurine of him.. next to Spike and Minuette lol
I believe I'll draw more of him sometime as he really is one of my fav characters so far :I I even g
They can be quite expensive sadly.. But I bet if you look up the net you may will find good second-hand figurines. That's the same way I got my little pyro. My friend got it from some dude then I bought it from my buddy.. regardless it is clearly not in a that great condition I like it and I got it for cheap. Take a look on the web if you have soem figurine-store near the place you live at, you may will find a good bargain :)
They can be quite expensive sadly.. But I bet if you look up the net you may will find good second-h
I like this pyro. I'm so fucking tired of "The pyro is female, I think the pyro is female so the pyro has to be female for everyone. Hey did you know the pyro is a girl? BTW female pyro. The pyro's a lady. blah blah blah"
Also, arbitrary 'flaming' pun <3
I like this pyro. I'm so fucking tired of "The pyro is female, I think the pyro is female so the pyr
Hell yea.. I am fond of the fempyro though as I find those fake tits hilarious, but pyro is a male for me.. turning him into a girl would kinda ruin it for me :I And niiice pun, mate :B
Hell yea.. I am fond of the fempyro though as I find those fake tits hilarious, but pyro is a male f
I like the idea of the fempyro, I always find the stuff amusing, especially when it's like an animation with bouncing tits, that cracks me up. But when people insist their opinion is canon I just wanna open up on them with a Degreaser.
I like the idea of the fempyro, I always find the stuff amusing, especially when it's like an animat