How all this started from one simple mount in time , were I first meet you in a tube I was in I was created in a similar way shadow the hedgehog was created , but I was created with all types of different DNA's from all heroes to at least a few villains . Wires were connected my body my eyes closed and a breathing mask on my face . Most DNA I got was from sonic . When I was released from my tube I ran out but sonic some way made me come down . And when I was 4 he left to go to save the world from Eggman . I helped time to time when ever my father was not there or he was injured so I toke care of the job sometimes . I was alone I slept in caves , trees , even of hard rocks . I ate bugs , fruits , veg tables , and when I got the chance nectar or honey . I was useably starving because I would come across children or people and even animals that were starving . I helped out a lot , I got in a lot of battles even before I meet sonic I was at that time 18,000,000,000 years old , yep I am that old because I am immortal . Then when sonic founded me he holed me close to him , I was so hungry , tired , in pain , and even sad . I toke me one year to recover from what happened . Then two years later my father I was going to a mission I begged him not yo go but , in the end I just huged him so close I never end wanted to let go , trying not show tears not trying to look weak . But once he left I broke downed and cried when I founded out he died on the biohazard , but he saved shadow the hedgehog , I was left alone all over again .