Kid Goku: I'm back! It's another adventure-filled chapter of Sonic GX coming at ya!
Tailsko: Yeah, it's going to be real gre-blargh!
Kid Goku: Tailsko, you may be pregnant, but you have got to stop throwing up all over me!
Tailsko: ...Sorry, Allen. I couldn't help it.
Kid Goku: Ahhh...I can't stay mad at you. That wouldn't be me.
Tails: Allen! I believe we just found Yusei's dimension! You must go & look into it!
Kid Goku: But I just got back! ...Oh, alright. Tails! I'm putting you & Sonic in charge of taking Tailsko to the doctor while I'm gone.
Sonic: Don't worry. We can handle it.
Knuckles: Enough of the chit-chat! Let's get this over with!
Kid Goku: Easy, Knux. Let the next chapter begin!
Narrator: Last time, Allen had arrived home, with news of Tailsko being pregnant. I was a little skeptical at first, but since a Mobian's reproductive system is completely different to that of a human, I wasn't the one to ask questions. I had given my grandson the information that Tails had discovered, and he left our home right after he grabbed his Duel Disk & deck. What will Allen discover this time? We find!
"Man! If this tunnel isn't endless, I would be lying to myself!", said the Saiyan.
"But you aren't by yourself! I'm always here!", said a little sprite.
"Of course you are here, Ami. I wouldn't have left you behind for anything!", said the Saiyan.
Narrator: A quick insight on who Ami is. She is also known as the Solitaire Magician. She is Allen's Duel Spirit. She was the very first card Allen ever received, plus she was the first Duel Spirit he had ever met. Ever since they met in Yugi's past, they have never been separated from each other.
"Really? Huh. You are too nice for your own good, Allen. You know that?", said Ami.
"Yeah, yeah. You are giving me old news. Anyways, the Aelitatrix is saying that our exit is nearby now.", said Allen, seeing the signal of his Aelitatrix grow stronger.
The signal grew stronger & stronger over the next few seconds. A few minutes later, Allen came to a dead end when the signal died.
"Huh? That's weird. The signal is gone! But it pointed me in this direction. I wonder why?", said the young Saiyan.
"Search me. I have no clue.", said Ami.
Instantly, the signal sprang to life, pointing the entrance to be below Allen's feet!
"NOT AGAIN!", screamed Allen, as he plummeted towards Yusei's home.
"Onii-chan! Wait for me!", said Ami, who was desperately trying to keep up with Allen.
Narrator: We find ourselves in the utopia known as New Domino City, a place where duels & Turbo duels are the number one thing on everyone's minds. We journey over to the garage of Team 5D's where we find Yusei Fudo working on his new prototype engine with his friends, Crow Hogan & Jack Atlas...
"Yusei, is everything completed yet?", said Jack.
"A few more finishing touches & it will be.", said Yusei.
"Great! That calls for a break, if I do say so!", said Crow, who was looking over his deck as usual.
"Did you guys say something?", said Yusei.
"No.", said Crow.
"Not a word from me. Why?", said Jack.
"I could've sworn I heard someone yell.", said Yusei.
"Ahhhh!", said Allen, who crashed right threw the roof of the garage landing straight in the middle of the floor, with Solitaire Magician landing on his head!
"What on earth was that?", said Crow, who had jumped up with a bat in his hand, preparing for the worst.
"Somebody just fell through the roof!", said Jack.
" is that?", said Yusei.
"Why not we ask him? He is coming around.", said Jack.
" head. Where am I?", said Allen.
"Are you okay? That was a nasty fall you took!", said Crow.
"Yeah. We thought you had just jumped out of a plane & missed your landing point.", said Jack.
"Hey, I know you! You're Allen Henegan, aren't you?", said Yusei.
"Yeah, that's me.", said Allen.
"Oh, wow! We have one of the first King of Games right in front of us! Not to mention the Aelitatrix bearer as well.", said Crow.
"Aelitatrix...oh, that's right! Ami! AMI! Where are you?", said Allen, who was searching the crash site & his surroundings frantically for the Solitaire Magician.
"I'm up here, Onee-chan!", said Ami, who tapped on Allen's forehead.
"Oh, there you are. Are you alright?", said the Saiyan.
"I'm fine.", said Ami.
"Hey! Am I seeing things? That thing looks like the monster, Solitaire Magician!", said Crow.
"He's right! What is that thing?", said Jack, who was still rubbing his eyes, thinking he was seeing things.
"Oh! I'm Allen's Duel Spirit partner, Solitaire Magician! I prefer to be called Ami!", said the little spellcaster.
"A Duel Spirit? A real monster?", said Crow, a little scared now.
"Don't worry, guys! She's harmless as a kitten!", said Allen.
"So, you can see Duel Spirits, too? We have a friend just like that. Her name's Luna.", said Jack.
"I've heard of her. And her brother. They are supposedly the best Tag-team Duelists in the world. So, what are you guys up to?", said Allen.
"As usual, we were fine-tuning our engines for the Duel World Grand Prix. Are you & Yugi ready for it?", said Crow.
"Huh? What on earth are you talking about? We didn't enter the Grand Prix.", said Allen, a little skeptical at the thought of him & Yugi entering the tournament.
"What! But you & Yugi's face is placed on the banner, which says that the two duelists that make it all the way to the finals gets to have a Tag Turbo Duel against you two!", said Crow.
"...What! We weren't informed of this! Plus, me & Yugi aren't Turbo Duelists!", said Allen.
"Then you two are in trouble. Your duelist titles are on the line in this duel.", said Yusei.
"No way! What am I going to do? I don't even own a Duel Runner! Neither does Yugi!", said Allen, getting more & more frantic.
"Calm down. If you like, we can always make you & Yugi a Duel Runner.", said Yusei.
"Really? Thanks! Hang on, I need to get in contact with Yugi right fast.", said Allen.
Once that was said, Yusei & the others went out to find parts to make two new Duel Runners. Allen called Yugi, & just like Allen, he was dumbfounded that KaibaCorp did that to them. But, this is KaibaCorp we are talking about. A few hours passed since then, Yusei & the others was putting the finishing touches on the two new Duel Runners. Allen was standing outside of Team 5D's garage, looking for Yugi...
"Where is he? He should've been here by now!", said Allen.
"Maybe he got delayed. This is Yugi we are talking about.", said the drowsy Ami.
"You finally woke back up, Ami?", said Allen, who picked Ami off his head and looked her straight in the face.
"Yeah. The conversation made me fall asleep.", said Ami.
"Silly girl. That is your lifestyle.", said Allen.
"HEADS UP!", screamed Yugi.
"Where'd that come from?", said Allen, who was looking around for Yugi.
"Allen! Above you!", said Yugi.
"Huh?", said Allen, looking directly up.
In one quick movement, Allen jumped up and caught Yugi in between his arms, landing on both of his feet perfectly.
"You alright, Yugi?", said Allen.
"Yeah, I'm okay. Thanks. Uhh...Allen, you can put me down now. This is a very awkward position for me.", said Yugi.
"Same here! ...Anyways, this is the place where we need to go.", said Allen, walking back towards the garage with Yugi.
"Hey, guys! Guess who just got here!", said Allen.
"Hey! It's the King of Games! Can I get your autograph?", said Crow, just before Jack dropped his foot on top of his head hard.
"Not now, Crow. We've got important business to take care of.", said Jack.
"Like find out who would enter Allen & Yugi's name into the Grand Prix. You two have any ideas?", Yusei asked.
Instantly, Yugi & Allen both answered, "Seto Kaiba. He's always had a grudge against us."
"What did he put down for as their team name?", Jack asked Yusei.
Yusei quickly hacked KaibaCorp in two seconds to find the answer to Jack's question. Two seconds later, he answered, "He listed them as Team Millennium. I wonder what drove him to name their team that?"
"I may have an idea why.", Yugi said. "Me and Allen both own an item known as the Millennium Puzzle, both of them holding the spirit of a 5,000-year-old Pharaoh. Kaiba knows of this just as much as my friends do."
"Well, at least we know what we are going in as. Now, the next problem we have to face: we still have to learn how to drive these things!", Allen yelled.
"Don't worry, Allen. I'm certain that we can do this. How much time do we have before the tournament begins?", Yugi asked Yusei.
"We have 17 days left to teach you everything you guys will need to know, plus get some Speed World cards and Speed Spell cards for you both.", said Yusei.
"So, we already know what type of cards Yugi uses. What cards do you use, Allen?", said Crow.
"Me? Well, I mostly use a Deck with the Elemental Hero monsters with a few Spellcasters. Hang on, I'll show you guys.", said Allen, reaching in his Duelist belt for his deck. "Here you go, Crow."
"Thanks.", said Crow.
Crow looked through Allen's deck, placing each card he owned on the table one by one. He placed them as followed:
Spellcasters: Solitaire Magician (Ami) Dark Magician Dark Magician Girl Magician's Valkria Exodia the Forbidden One Left Arm of Forbidden One Right Arm of Forbidden One Left Leg of Forbidden One Right Leg of Forbidden One Magician of Black Chaos Silent Magician Lv. 4 Silent Magician Lv. 8
Tuner Monsters: Chaos End Master The Fabled Rubyruda
Insect: Man-Eater Bug
Dragons: Rainbow Dragon Cyber Dragon
Spells: Black Magic Ritual Card Destruction Dark Magic Curtain Fissure Fusion Gate Future Fusion Heavy Storm Mystic Box Polymerization Soul Exchange Spirit Message "A" Spirit Message "I" Spirit Message "L" Spirit Message "N" Swords of Revealing Light Yami
Traps: A Hero Emerges Call of the Haunted Destiny Board Dust Tornado Magic Cylinder Magic Jammer Magical Arm Shield Magical Hats Magician's Circle Michizure Mirror Force Negate Attack
Synchro Monsters: Light End Dragon Stardust Dragon Majestic Star Dragon
"...Wow! Not a bad choice of cards you have here!", said Crow.
"I know. These are the cards I started with when I first met Yugi. I made a strong bond with these cards with my heart, so I believed in the heart of the cards along with Yugi. I have never lost a duel ever since I began to play.", said Allen.
"Well, with the cards that Yugi & Allen use, we need to find some cards that will help them in a bind. So, we will get them some cards later. Now, we need to take them to try out for their Duel Runner licenses.", said Yusei.
"Well what are we waiting for? Let's go!", said Crow.
Allen & the others were grabbing everything they needed to get ready, but at that moment, the phone rang...
"Hello? Oh hey, Akiza. What's up? ...No, we will not be here. We are taking Allen Henegan & Yugi Muto to the Duel Runner License Registration so they will have everything they will need for the Grand Prix in a few days.", said Yusei.
Narrator: That was all Yusei was able to say, because a few seconds later, the doorbell rang & Akiza, along with Leo & Luna had came bursting through the door!
"No way! The two King of Games are here, in our team garage? Why not you two challenge us to a duel?", said Leo.
"Is that all that is ever on your mind, Leo? Forgive him. He's not one who thinks he is never in the way. By the way, I'm Luna.", said the young girl.
"Oh, you're the girl who can see Duel Spirits! Yusei mentioned you!", said Allen.
"Yep! I noticed there was a...Solitaire Magician...sitting on your head. Have you noticed that?", said Luna, who was staring directly at Ami.
"Yeah, I've noticed that. Don't worry, she's okay.", said Allen.
"Guys? Guys! The Duel Runner License Registration office closes at 5:00!", said Akiza, pointing at the clock which said 4:30!
"Like, let's beat feet!", said Allen, running the quickest out of the door, leaving everyone behind him the whole way to the registration office.
Narrator: Meanwhile, back at Allen's, Tails was about to get a very unexpected call...
"Hello, Henegan residence. This is Tails speaking.", said Tails.
"Tails? Is that you? Is Allen home?", said the unknown voice.
"Huh? Sir Chaytel, is that you?", said the surprised kitsune.
Narrator: Sir Chaytel Marseil Solverre isn't your ordinary Mobian. He is the Royal Historian to H.R.M., King Nathaniel Acorn. Tails had contacted him a few days ago to see if he could find any information on Retsu Taimukipa & what was this Dimensional War she keeps muttering about...
"Yes, it's me. I found the information you wanted on Retsu Taimukipa. Not much was on here, since her race has been long dead.", said Chaytel.
"Well, tell me. What is the story behind her?", said Tails, getting ready to record the information in Nicole's databanks.
"Okay, it says here that Retsu Taimukipa is the last, lone survivor of the Dimensional War. She is a member of the dead race of RiftBearers. They had only one thing in mind: keep the Dimensional Rift safe. With it, evil forces could have destroyed the multiverse as we know it. She had created the Aelitatrix with her DNA code locked inside of it. She had sent it to the far reaches of the multiverse, going into a comatose state until the very moment when the Aelitatrix had went online. The Aelitatrix had landed in five places, giving a piece of Retsu's DNA code to five different people. The worlds it landed in was in France, Christmas Island, Planet Vegeta, Domino City, & Egypt. When it landed in Egypt, it disappeared for a while, appearing in France, then Christmas Island, and finally Planet Vegeta. Does those places ring any bells on who the DNA code could be in?", said Chaytel.
"Domino City, Christmas Island, Planet Vegeta, France, & Egypt? Hmm...Wait! Planet Vegeta is Allen's home planet! And Christmas Island is where Sonic was born!", said Tails.
"Exactly. Now, what about the last three locations?", Chaytel asked.
"Egypt, Domino City, & France...what are the dates of when the Aelitatrix landed in these places?", Tails asked.
"When it landed in Egypt, it was 5,000 years ago. The exact year isn't listed, but it landed in Domino City on June 4th, & on Oct. 9th in France.", said Chaytel.
"Those dates! Yami Allen was in Egypt 5,000 years ago, Yugi was born on June 4th, & Aelita was discovered by Jeremy on Oct. 9th!", said Tails.
"That's the idea. Since they all had come into contact with the Aelitatrix, Retsu's DNA code had become part of their own code. It had came online once it sensed Allen's pure heart in Mrs. Hines world, thereby giving Retsu a new form & giving her all of her lost strength. Plus, if you haven't noticed, the Aelitatrix was named after Aelita, & it says here that her & her father could possibly be Saiyans as well.", Chaytel informed.
"Aelita...& Franz Hopper...are Saiyans?", said the shocked Tails.
"Yes. If Kusemurai kills Allen & Aelita is nearby, she will bring the end of the multiverse.", said Chaytel.
"Why?", Tails asked.
"Aelita's tears carry a secret. If she ever cries, earthquakes will shatter the world. Volcanoes will melt the entire Earth's surface, & leave nothing but a smoldering pile of ash. That is the full information that you wanted.", Chaytel said.
"But wait! Who was the evil that had started the Dimensional War?", Tails asked.
"It says that it was a family of dark sorcerers. Their family name is Kusemurai. There are but a few family members left, but where they are is unknown.", said Chaytel.
When Tails heard that name, his expression was like if he had just seen a ghost. Tails had answered back to Chaytel saying, "D-did y-you say Kusemurai?"
"Yes. Why? Does that name ring any bells?", Chaytel asked.
"Just a few months ago, we had found a wanted poster in Mobius with the name Norithics Kusemurai a.k.a Nori. He was last seen by Shadow the Hedgehog entering the Dimensional Rift with Eggman to parts unknown!", said the frightened kitsune.
"That is bad. If Nori is working with Eggman, who knows what trouble those two could be cooking up.", said Chaytel.
"Well, thanks for the information, Sir Chaytel. I'll certainly pass it on to Allen when he gets back.", said Tails.
"Good luck. You'll need it. Bye.", said Chaytel, hanging up on Tails.
Tails was silent for a few minutes, still shocked over the fact that Nori & his family was in fact the reason why everything has happened to Allen so far. He finally spoke saying, "...Norithics Kusemurai...the fight between his family & the RiftBearers is still going after all these centuries...looks like Allen's troubles has only begun..."
Narrator: If only Tails knew how right he was. A few days had passed since that phone call, and we find Yami Yugi & Yami Allen right in the middle of the final duel of the Grand Prix. Leading by 500 points, Allen & Yugi drew the final cards they would play for this duel...
"Alright, Yusei! It's my move!...Well, looks like this is your unlucky day! I summon my Solitaire Magician in attack mode! Now, I shall give my mage a tune-up thanks to my tuner monster, Chaos-End Master! With two comes one! A bright light can shine even in the deepest darkness! I Synchro Summon...Light-End Dragon!", said Yami Allen.
"What! That must've been the best draw he pulled throughout the entire duel!", said Crow, who had 50 life points left.
"This could be the last attack! Prepare yourself, Crow!", said Jack, with 1000 life points.
"Don't worry, Jack! He won't be able to beat all three of us!", said Yusei, who had 1500 points left.
"Not quite! With this, I end my turn, letting Yugi take over!", said Yami Allen.
"Thanks! It's my move! I activate my face-down trap: Call of the Haunted! With it, I bring back Allen's Solitaire Magician in attack mode!", said Yami Yugi.
"That, however, will stop us.", said Yusei.
Now see, Yusei had a point. Neither him, Jack, or Crow had a monster or any face-down cards on the field. Yami Yugi & Yami Allen, however, had Dark Magician, Solitaire Magician, & Light-End Dragon on the field, giving the duo enough attack strength to take down all three of them!
"Now! Dark Magician, DARK MAGIC ATTACK!", said Yami Yugi, giving the order for Dark Magician to attack Crow directly, dropping his life points to zero. He then gave the Solitaire Magician the order to attack Jack, "Solitaire Magician, attack Jack directly!", which brought his life points to zero. He saved the best attack for last. He gave the Light-End Dragon the order to attack Yusei, "Light-End Dragon, end this now! Go, Shining Sublimation ATTACK!", bringing Yusei's life points to zero, ending the duel.
"That ends the duel! The winners & still reigning King of Games: Allen Henegan & Yugi Muto! Congratulations to you both!", said the MC over the microphone.
"We did it! We won, we won!", said Yugi & Allen, hugging each other like two little kids celebrating over their first victory.
"Hey, Yugi, Allen. Congrats to you both. I hope that I get to duel you two again sometime." said Yusei, holding out his hand to get a handshake from the two duelists.
"'s a deal, Yusei!", said Yugi & Allen.
"Allen! Yugi! Over here!", said two voices over the crowd. When Yugi & Allen turned, they had saw two very familiar faces...
"Aelita! Sonic! When did you two get here?", Allen asked.
"We were watching you two in the audience! That was some nice moves you two did!", said Sonic.
"We came to pick you two up! Everyone is waiting for you two back at your place, Allen.", said Aelita.
"Really? Then what are we waiting for? It's juice n' jam time!", said Allen, activating the Aelitatrix to open the Dimensional Rift.
Narrator: Meanwhile, someone else was waiting for the exact moment for Allen & the others to enter the Dimensional Rift. A person known only as Norithics Kusemurai...
"I found him...the Aelitatrix bearer. For the destruction of the Dimensional Rift...YOU SHALL DIE!", said Nori, disappearing into the Dimensional Rift in a cloud of smoke after Allen & the others.
Narrator: A few hours later, we find Allen & Aelita taking a walk through the flower patch outside of his home...
"So, what is it like to be a duelist?", Aelita asked.
"Oh, it's great! You get to do so many things, plus with each new battle you make new friends.", said Allen.
"But it is bad that Kaiba hates you & Yugi.", said Aelita.
"I know, but there's nothing we can do about that. At least I know that Kaiba will never hold a candle to me & Yugi! Ha-ha-ha-ha!", Said Allen, laughing his pure heart out.
"Ha-ha-ha-ha! Allen, you really are the nicest person I know!", said Aelita.
"..Now. Die, Aelitatrix bearer!", said the reappeared Nori, converting his arm into hardened rubber spear, piercing it straight through Allen's heart!
"Guh! Uhhh...Aelita...uh.", said Allen, falling straight into Aelita's arms, dead.
"Allen! Allen? No...Allen, wake up!", said Aelita.
A sudden flashback of her father came to Aelita saying, "Remember Aelita, don't cry, no matter what happens. Become a strong Guardian who doesn't cry, and everything will be okay."
"No...Allen! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!", cried Aelita.
In an instant, the light of the world had combined with the darkness of the world, rising the Dimensional Rift from the inside of the multiverse. A bright light consumed Allen's home, making it disappear to a world where everything is completely empty.
"What's going on out here? Everything is going completely haywire!", said Tails, who busted out of the door quicker than everyone else. What he saw made him drop to his knees. He then yelled, "Sonic! Get out here!"
"What's going on! Huh? Aelita? Allen? What happened?", said Sonic.
Nori then appeared in front of everyone, telling them, "I killed him. I killed the Aelitatrix bearer. Now, all that is left is to kill the last RiftBearer then the multiverse shall be no more. Heed my words, D-Fighters. Mephiles shall rise again, & Solaris will be reborn!!!", said Nori, disappearing once again.
Narrator: It is a sad day for the multiverse indeed, for until the next chapter, the Earth has lost it's Savior...Aelita: Allen! Allen! Wake up! Please wake up!
Allen: ...
Sonic: He's gone. Allen's gone for good.
Goku: Not necessarily! Even though his dead body is right here, I can still feel his presence! There's a chance we can save him!
Sonic: Of course! The Chaos Emeralds! If we can find them, we can possibly have them tap into the Aelitatrix to transform him into his Mobian form, & have him go Super!
Tails: Well then, what are we waiting for? Let's go!
Yugi: Next time on Sonic GX: Revival of the Dimensional War!