Another late one. The first two, you should know by now. Third is me sketching out ideas for a full out pic. Fourth is sketch of that pic. Perspetive lines, they do it to me every time! Lastly were drawings of my Bespectacled Berret half. If you're wondering why his mobian form is a bat, it's because when Mobians of two different species get together, the resulting child will resemble the parent of its respective gender; for example, MC, being born a male, will look like his father (a bat), while Sissy would look like their mother, (a ferret). You have a head shot of MC and his genderbent alter-ego, Mina, as well. For all of my drawing practice, I have not been giving them any attention, so i wanted to do at least one page of them before my time ran out.
10 years, 9 months ago
26 Apr 2014 09:26 CEST
Initial: 4d016761c5f37e9b94ba1fd05424ed15
Full Size: d9858e984653d901e48e0889fd5ffd61
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