J.C. the Hybrid Sonic Boom version
Name: J.C.
Species: Hybrid of hedgehog, wolf, and bat.
Gender: Male.
Eye color: One blue left eye and a mechanical right eye with a scar over it.
Fur: Gray, white and gray wolf tail, black bat wings, and blue hedgehog spikes.
Clothes: Black fingerless gloves, black and red jacket with angel wings on the back, a blue scarf, blue and white sneakers, blue jeans, light blue and gray shirt, black and blue sunglasses.
Weapons: A gold and silver sword called, "Sword of the Angels". "Heaven's Light", an ability to free corrupted and heals wounds. A defensive move called, "Holy Shield". And an attack called, "Heaven's Holy Cannon".
Super Form: Angel J.C.
Dark Form: Demon J.C.
Misc: Right bionic arm, left bionic leg, gold cross and silver cross around his neck, sports tape wrapped around his bionic limbs and organic limbs.