I had LuridSilence sing for this one, and Hot-Gothics helped out a lot with the coaching, as well as performing Conker's spoken lines. I did the music itself, the mixing, the effects, and all that, and I think I did rather well considering it's only my second attempt at making a dubstep remix, and my second attempt as mixing in vocals.
Lurid's definitely out of practice, so his singing may not be quite as good as Hot-Gothics's singing was for our Bird and the Worm cover, but I feel like this is the kind of thing you don't have to be quite as good to sing for, so it was a good first cover for him to do. We'll have to practice a lot more before he's ready to take on some of the stuff I'm hoping to do in the future, though. Anyways, any comments about the singing itself should be directed at HIM, not me. Comments about the instrumentals, effects, and mixing can go to me.
Oh, and if you're wondering why we didn't have him sing it in a deeper voice like the original, it's because the music itself already had enough bass as it was, not to mention Lurid is very much a barotone. He sings much better in a higher pitch than a lower one. Just, trust me, it sounds a lot better this way than when we tried it the other way.
Original composition by Robin Beanland Instrumentals, mixing, effects, and some directing by VibrantEchoes Singing and Great Mighty Poo's spoken lines performed by LuridSilence Coaching and Conker's spoken lines performed by Hot-Gothics