I am amused with this, by both their expressions. And by bringing to light, well, the well lit night sky outside. ^.^
One way to make the title fit is the idea they met during the day, or near dusk well before sundown, and the title suggest at what time events happen get the most awkward. O.O
Also makes me wonder where Nightmare Moon is going with the given commentary below, "Oh come now, you've never been with a mare?" Is she just taunting him? Or does she have some other agenda in mind?
Perhaps she does simply delight in his visibly uncomfortable state to her exacting verbal poking. But the question itself suggests to me, there was something else more going on well before the question. 0.o
He is also huddled in such a way as if trying to hide something he does not want seen. Looks like a mix of both fear and embarrassment on his face. Makes me wonder what exactly brought that about. 0.o
Perhaps I should have a look at the short story Nightmare at Midnight with them both in it, may shed some light (as much as shown outside) on this moment for me, if the story and this picture are related.
I am amused with this, by both their expressions. And by bringing to light, well, the well lit night