Character Sheet for Arthur Bell.
Arth, Arthy, Lucky, Cutie, Red.
Physical age 19-20. Weeks spent living, 2.
Character Description
Arthur was sent from one timeline to the current one.
Arthur, by Dr. Wixley, has a life time 'controlled charm' spell casted on him, as part of being partly built using 'witch craft'.
Explaining his bright purple eyes.
Regarding the fact that he 'Amnesia' from 2 weeks ago (When he was first brought to life), Arthur already seemed to have developed a personality: Outgoing to an extent, most of the time has a mellow attitude, prefers to keep things 'simple'.
[Likes/Dislikes are unconfirmed as of yet].
(In another timeline): He was planned and created through witch craft by Dr. Wixley after her 'favourited' previous project was assassinated. Arthur was officially her first 'test subject', as the test was to give a project a complete personality and leave them in the middle of nowhere, with sudden 'amnesia', to see how well they managed to survive on their own, and cope.
His creator, Dr. Wixley, comes from Cavvelwood (No detail on Cavvelwood), which was also the home of his 'body building' whilst it was in process. Arthur's current location is unknown.
Bright ginger body with dark ginger-ish brown hair, legs, and arms that have light ginger fingers/thumbs. Platinum blond-ish ears and eyelids. Light brown-ish ginger markings on muzzle. Muzzle and inside of ears are white. Tail has 3 light ginger rings around it. Eyes are bright, glowing purple that have a lighter shade of purple 'pentagrams' in them.
A pentagram pendant on a choker necklace, which could possibly be the source of the 'controlled charm' spell (Unconfirmed).