i don't hate my little pony... yet i do not hate it... personally i find it kind of cute but i'm sick and tired of bronies trying to spam our furry sites with their artwork and other things like that... there is a reason why bronies are called bronies and furries are called furries... and to be honest to any brony listening to my words... start posting on a places like Deviantart or some other place please just because you believe bronies should be joined with furry sites doesn't make it okay to post it here... sure a little bit is fine but for god's sake i once scrolled through an entire page of nothing but pony stuff several times in the past... so there needs to be some kind of moderation... like post pony artwork only a little bit since this is a furry site not a whole damned shitstorm of artwork as i said it's called "Inkbunny" not "Bropony" and sites like furaffinity it's called "Furaffinity" not "Ponyaffinity" and i don't mean any offence to bronies i'm just saying things they way they should be... also i'm not a brony hater since quite a few of my friends are bronies themselves... thank you anyone who saw my comment as i believe i held a valid point such as this "furry sites stick to furry stuff first and everything else second and brony sites stick to brony things first and everything else second" :) cheers... also Kostos i do like the way you made this... it looks bloody, has a point, and it's well colored ^w^
i don't hate my little pony... yet i do not hate it... personally i find it kind of cute but i'm sic
No good. Ponies are toons after all. You chainsaw them, burn them alive, boil them in acid, or break them on the rack. But as soon as that camera cuts away and comes back they are back and as immmaculetly clean as before you started. Or at worst they need five minutes in generic bandages or a hospital bed with a cast.
No good. Ponies are toons after all. You chainsaw them, burn them alive, boil them in acid, or bre
Ack! o_o'' This is a little shocking! Now I know you don't like the ponies, but should we really go that far? I mean sure, I used to be a hater myself, but we should learn how to tame our hatred by finding an output that is more... positive. Trust me, this is pretty badass and you are an excellent artist with mad skillz! But please... can you use it for good? I'm just saying, not commanding or complaining. ó_ò'' But anyways... nice work man. It's too bad Pinkie has to push on daisies though. u_u''
Ack! o_o'' This is a little shocking! Now I know you don't like the ponies, but should we really go