And here's the safe version. Technically Chycillians don't wear clothes and instead, the blue fungal stuff grows over their sex organs to "censor" them. However, due to the nature of the growth and the coloring, I just opted to give Queen Mycelia a green and blue bikini instead. I also removed the blue goo from her feet so you can see what her feet naturally look like when they're not "perspiring".
Anyway, Here's the description:
This as some of you may or may not know, is the leader of the Chycillians (or really, her not dressed in her royal garb), Queen Mycelia. She's the head of an alien race known as the Chycillians, who are a people born in the Chycillium Swamp located on planet Botanorest. They are very powerful and use their strange excretions to allure their pray into them so they can happily absorb some nutrients and grow and reproduce. Their name comes from Chimera (which is what they look like) and Mycelium, which is what they technically are. With two large toes that are constantly covered in this syrum that makes it so anyone who follows them or stands in their tracks will have an irresistable urge to want to come across one. Wings for flight, and so on. Thier mouths are actually giant suckers (much like the mouth of Omega Metroid from Metroid Fusion, whcih is the inspiration for the Chycillian's design), with teeth surrounding in a 360 degree tunnel so it's easier to hold their prey in place. They are parasites though, and always feed off of other matter, though they can survive for very long times without having to feed. Thier main source of food however, is actually either the sugars from various plants....or Starmaninjians.
Anyway, since this image depicts her highness, I'll explain who she is.
Personality wise: Queen Mycelia is the leader of the few Chycillians who actually...exist. There are literally only ten of them, as they're a rather new species evolved from the fungi of Chycillian Swamp. They are actually somewhat evil in nature, capturing innocent creatures (particularly males, but they have some uses for females) and literally sucking them to get their food. This food allows them to reproduce their own via egg laying and the eggs grow to produce more. The reproduction rate is very slow however due to never having enough food to actually reproduce (Usually enough for their own pleasure though), so she actually orders that they kidnap Kao. Now if you did manage to see the one image I hosted of Kao earlier (before abruptly taking it down), you'll see Kao has a LOT of sugar in him. If not rescued fast enough, he'd have enough to literally multiply the population, which is kind of not what the Starmaninjians want yet (as they'd all be enslaved by the Chycillians, despite the fact that Chycillians actualy (and actively) worship the Starmaninjians for "being thier food source". Literally to them, every Starmaninjian is a deity, but the Starmaninjians don't know about this, so they think the Chycillians are the ones who are empirical.). The nature of the chycillians themselves are dominant, powerful, and rather sexually aggressive (Even the males, who are just as willing to rape as teh females are). They serve to be one of the main antagonistic forces of the Starmaninjian future series, as the Starmaninjians have to protect themselves from all being kidnapped and used as a food source for these aliens. However, That's mostly due to the aggressive nature of them, the Chycillians are mostly doing it to survive and spread, but by nature...aren't technically evil, nor are they hurting anyone. Their methods are just...aggressive.
Power wise: The Chycillians have mostly physical powers, but also are mostly poisonous in nature. The syrum they excrete (from thier feet and various other orfaces) is highly toxic, but also highly mesmorizing. One drop of that is enough to put anyone in a trance and make them absolute slave (but also excessively horny), as it sends microbes into their brain and forces them to feel nothing but an urge know. Which is how the Chycillians then get thier food. THey sometimes do it to each other, but they can't reproduce on thier own, so they have to be parasitical to do it to others. They are very fast too. and pretty strong actually. OH and if anyone's worried about how they smell...don't be. They actually don't have a distinct scent. The syrum tastes like orange juice or blue berries, but is pretty thick like syrup. So yeah, you'll never really be repulsed by them because that would be the opposite of what they want.
Anyway, Queen Mycelia and the Chycillians are copyright to Kao Ninjaratzu
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