'Nother sketch of a character from UUD (Useless University Defense), a defunct story I was working on with some friends. We were gonna have each of us write and draw each of the four characters, it was actually a pretty interesting idea. We wrote a chapter, but nothing came of it after that. Eh, we didn't really have much in the way of actual ideas when it came down to it.
A few months ago, I dug up the chapter, and considered continuing the story. But, in the end, it was gonna be more trouble than it was worth, and I have other projects on the back burner to dig up. Fully-written ones, at that. So, UUD's dead, until further notice. Still, I really like how Gune and Kiyoshi look.
Anyway, this is one of my tests for trying to figure out assface, aka mr spittle. His power--whistling. Yep. ^_^ Hehe, there's a bit more to it than that, like, he can whistle multiple notes at once, and put on beautiful concertos, etc. But essentially, he's just a good whistler. He can't talk, and his only orifice is the sphincter-thing on his face. He's a pretty cool concept, by my friend Tarrick. Anyway, I was just trying to work out how to do him in the style I'd worked out with Setsuna. Who's a character, and my primary guinea pig.
14 years, 2 months ago
05 Jan 2011 06:44 CET
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