Character Sheet for Bo P.
Bo, Bo Peep, Bo Pizzle, BP
Character Description
Bo is a hood kinda sheep that's not afraid to shank a foo' when it comes her friends and her personal space. She's just that gangsta, son. Don't fuck with her, and she won't fuck with your life. She gets along well with Nea, and hangs with her often. Can often be seen hanging around large groups of people or in a club. Works as a pole dancer.
Bold, outgoing, social. Likes making friends.
Likes making friends, listening to music, hanging out with friends, bubble gum.
Dislikes being alone, being bored, shears (Likes her wool the way it is, so don't fuck with it.), when bubble gum gets caught in her wool, people who fuck with her friends, snitches and bitches (the bad kind).
Bo was raised in the wrong kinda neighborhood, and always had to hustle for what was hers. Since her parents divorced and neither of them were fit to take care of her, her Uncle (who was a well known rapper at the time) took her in and taught the rules of the streets.
As she grew older, she witnessed (and was a part of) a lot of things that went down in the hood, such as shootings, drug deals, rap/dance battles, the struggles and everything. Made her experienced in a lot of things, and also taught her to trust few people, and even then, keep an eye on those N words.
After being in the hood for 19 years, she finally raised up enough money to send herself to college, where she meets Nea, Ala, Jami and Lutra.
Un-named mother and father, she refuses to speak of them.
Uncle Thomas P.: Raised her since she was a little ewe. Taught her the rules and regulations of living in a bad hood. She loves him and feels she owes her life to him.
Curvy fit body, Breast size 36 D, rather large bottom. Soft pink wool covers her head, most of her face, neck, arms and legs.
Wears no clothing unless she HAS to, and when she does, she wears skin tight leather shorts with a leather jacket.
Has a purple collar with a bell attached to it, was given as a going away gift by her uncle. Keeps it close.
Wears black tape in the shape of an 'X' across her nipples both in and out of the strip club, because she just likes it being there. Will switch out the color of the tape depending on the mood of the club she's in.
Keeps a hunting knife in her leg fur, in case she has to shank a foo.