Awsome work here! Love the wings! *w* Just looking at them i've got what i did wrong when drew the dragon last time.. ^^' Well, always a way to improve bit by bit.. x3
Awsome work here! Love the wings! *w* Just looking at them i've got what i did wrong when drew the d
As an artist I've noticed especially in the last 2 years my art and art style has changed dramatically, and I'm always learning something new. It begins to bother me if I don't learn something new with each piece.
As an artist I've noticed especially in the last 2 years my art and art style has changed dramatical
Well, as i say or tend to think - every artist need to challenge himseld in doing something he/she didn't before till it come out, at least, nice. Then move to next thing learning everytime or artist will end in a hole making stamp like work. Your is always have something new in it and kind of dinamic, which i greatly appreciate as a watcher. ;3 Good to see you draw in various.. Maybe not styles, but ways and adding new details, for sure.
Well, as i say or tend to think - every artist need to challenge himseld in doing something he/she d
My inspiration to grow with skill is to make my characters rise in 'flesh' by my own hand on paper. I'm stuck with description of their look while writing a book and can't get forth, so i do believe, that'll push me over that block since i'll manage to create them refs and few scenes from the story. If you heard about such a thing - when artist or writer create a world within their work, that world may be trully formed somewhere in our universe, if many peoples would see/read their work, get inspired, talk, think about it, add their own fantasies to its existance, thought out new characters and their interactions - it'll grow and would be living on its own then. Some writers say that they do not think about what to write, their books write themselves, like the described world tell them its story. (hope i've explained it well. x3) Thus, i believe that they will become more liveful and active to tell me their story, once they'll receave a solid outfit and form.
My inspiration to grow with skill is to make my characters rise in 'flesh' by my own hand on paper.
I've heard theories on this by a couple of people lately. It truly is interesting, the tulpa effect in action :) A wonderful Idea, that's always had me wonder about somethings. And, in its own ways might explain the growth Inkii went through as a "person" to become what she is today.
I've heard theories on this by a couple of people lately. It truly is interesting, the tulpa effect
Oh, you heard about tulpa? :o I have one! :3 Yet, i'm such a bad friend, forgetting to communicate with him constantly.. T_T They need many love and attention shown to grow, develop and help you, which do not give..
At other hand, i know one person that have one grown well, protecting him. Many things that appeares to be theories are existant, yet not many could or want to see/open up to them. And i'm sure that's the part of case of Inkii's grows and development. :3
Oh, you heard about tulpa? :o I have one! :3 Yet, i'm such a bad friend, forgetting to communicate w