I've wanted to do this kind of drawing for a while of several of my favorite Fakemon that I've created however not all of them are displayed sadly. there are at least 1 from the 4 lists i've done/in progress. enjoy!
This is very well done :) Thanks for bringing it to my attention since I didn't see it before. I think you did a great job with the scenery, and the fakemon are really cute.
This is very well done :) Thanks for bringing it to my attention since I didn't see it before. I thi
The green one in the foreground, the one with the yellow tail-light, I think I saw in a 16th century dream image. Two women are asleep and small monsters cavort near them. In the distance, a city is being attacked. I saw this in a book on dreams and what they mean (I have had dreams that made no sense, and some that were obviously related to my recent events).
The green one in the foreground, the one with the yellow tail-light, I think I saw in a 16th century