No porn, just info of my story. If you're interested in reading.
Going to use Strikethrough or "STRIKETHROUGH" as a working title for the story of my characters.
For the font design I wanted to have a bit of a stencil and MGS look to it; to give it a somewhat military feel. For now the title looks more of a visional demonstration of what the word means rather than what it means for my story, but when I show more of my story it'll make sense somehow. I'll touch it up some more and might add a space inbetween the word.
I drew some emblems that are for the more important groups in Strikethrough. They're based off the suits on playing cards. The colors and designs aren't completely finished yet.
From left to right:
The Club is for the fictional German Nazi army called Die Rautenkreuz. Which S.H.A.D.E. is apart of.
The Spade is for the fictional US military called S.P.A.D.E.S. or The States Police and Army for Disaster and Enforcement of Security. Mar isn't really apart of them, but they help each other out.
The Diamond is for a very shady organization that controls the single global currency.
And the Heart is for a fictional United Nations. The emblem is also based on UN's one. Once I figure out the design for the world, Mar and the others live in, I'll replace the one in this emblem with the new one.
I'll post more concept art and info later on. If you like to see it that is.
10 years, 11 months ago
19 Feb 2014 04:11 CET
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