like I said on another sight....oh my, very smexy. Love the concept, the angle and the colors. Your boyfriend is lucky to have a wolf who will model for him! LOL
like I said on another sight....oh my, very smexy. Love the concept, the angle and the colors. Yo
I thought you had one by the comment of the guy on FA. Your sure cute enough to have several, you have a winning personality from your posts and a zest for life. Considering how far apart we are, its ashamed, cause I would definitely sniff. But either way, cute art!
I thought you had one by the comment of the guy on FA. Your sure cute enough to have several, you
actually he is mated wth my character but the artists is single now :p hahaha thank you, Im done with relation ships, at least for now, I gave too much and now Im enjoying myself ^^ but I trust Ill find someone who will make me fall again, someday ^^
actually he is mated wth my character but the artists is single now :p hahaha thank you, Im done wit
Well dear wolf, I understand that sentiment. I have major trust issues with what I have been through. Enjoy yourself and take a bite of that apple. flirt and sniff and flick that tail when ever it suits you. one day trust perhaps will return, until then.....have fun
Well dear wolf, I understand that sentiment. I have major trust issues with what I have been throug