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Corgis, Otters, & Magic Swords: Tempo's D&D Archive

Nordguard: The Card Game - Second Edition
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by tempo
In honor of Valentine's Day, here is an archive of my various D&D material for easy reference. Play them with someone dear to you. ^_^

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Husky/Arctic Wolf
Medium Humanoid

+2 Constitution, –2 Charisma. Huskies are hardy, but aloof.

Medium: As Medium creatures, huskies have no special bonuses or penalties due to their size.

Husky base land speed is 30 feet.

Arctic Stride (Ex): A husky's movement is not impeded by snow or similar material.

Scent (Ex): A husky can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.

Sensitive Nose: −2 on saves vs any odor-based effect.

Fluff (Ex): Huskies have cold resistance 5, as well as +4 to Survival checks against cold environments. These bonuses are negated while the character is submerged or soaked.

A husky gains Endurance as a bonus feat. If a class would grant Endurance, it grants Diehard instead. This feat's effects are suppressed at temperatures above 90 F.

Heat Vulnerability: −2 on saves vs any heat effect.

Low-light Vision (Ex): A husky can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

+2 to Balance checks on slippery surfaces.

+2 Listen checks. Huskies have keen ears.

Automatic Language: Common. Bonus Languages: Feline, Gnoll.

Favored Class: Ranger.

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Small Humanoid

+2 Dexterity, –2 Strength: Corgis are quick, agile, and good with ranged weapons, but they are small and therefore not as strong as other humanoids.

Small: As a Small creature, a Corgi gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but uses smaller weapons than humans use, and his lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.

Corgi base land speed is 20 feet.

Lay on Hands (Su): A Corgi can heal wounds with his touch. Each day, he may heal his Charisma modifier x his level in damage, divided as he choses. If his Charisma modifier is less than one, treat it as one for this ability. This is otherwise identical to the paladin's lay on hands ability.

+2 to all Will saves and Concentration checks. They lose these bonuses for the day if they don't spend an hour meditating each morning. This mediation may overlap with preparing spells.

+2 on any Handle Animal checks on sheep, cows, geese, or other herd animals, as well as any check to herd anything. Corgis are natural herders.

+2 to Diplomacy, Heal, and Sense Motive checks. Corgis are renown ambassadors and healers.

+2 on Listen checks. Corgis have keen ears.

Weapon Proficiency: Corgis are automatically proficient with quarterstaffs and take no penalty for dealing nonlethal damage with them. From shepherds to monks to traveling diplomats, this unimposing weapon is a mainstay of their personal defense. They are also proficient with cupcakes and don't treat them as improvised ranged weapons, though such pastries do no damage.

Favored Class: Cleric.

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Small Humanoid

+2 Dexterity, –2 Strength: Otters are quick, agile, and good with ranged weapons, but they are small and therefore not as strong as other humanoids.

Small: As a Small creature, an otter gains a +1 size bonus to Armor Class, a +1 size bonus on attack rolls, and a +4 size bonus on Hide checks, but she uses smaller weapons than humans use, and her lifting and carrying limits are three-quarters of those of a Medium character.

Otter base land speed is 20 feet; swim speed 30 feet.

An otter's movement and attacks underwater are unimpeded, as if under the influence of a freedom of movement spell.

An otter has a +8 racial bonus on any Swim check to perform some special action or avoid a hazard. She can always choose to take 10 on a Swim check, even if distracted or endangered. She can use the run action while swimming, provided she swims in a straight line.

Hold Breath (Ex): An otter can hold her breath for a number of rounds equal to 4 × her Constitution score before she risks drowning.

Fey-touched (Su): Otters have spell resistance equal to their level + their Charisma bonus. They also have a +4 racial bonus on Spellcraft checks for the purpose of counterspelling.

+2 morale bonus on saving throws against despair. Otters are naturally predisposed toward fun.

Claws (Ex): Unarmed attacks may do lethal damage (humans do non-lethal by default).

Bivalve Bane (Ex): An otter may take 10 on any check to open shellfish. They likewise ignore the damage reduction of any shellfish.

Otter physiology (Ex): An otter can't wear rings, but has three belt slots.

Automatic Languages: Common and Faerret.

Weapon Proficiency: An otter is automatically proficient with the dagger, sling, spear, and net. These weapons are used by otters on a daily basis for gathering fish and other food. They may use nets designed for Small, Medium, or Large wielders.

Favored Class: Rogue.

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Small Humanoid

+2 Dex, +2 Cha; −2 Str, -2 Wis. Foxes are spry and personable, but also tend to be physically weak and flighty.

Small size, 30ft land speed, etc. Though small, foxes are surprisingly light on their feet.

Fox's cunning (Sp): A fox may cast fox's cunning as a wizard of their level once per day. Target: self only. A fox with Charisma higher than 15 gains a +6 Intelligence bonus instead of a +4 from this ability. A fox with Charisma higher than 20 also doubles the duration of this ability.

+2 to Listen and Gather Information checks.

Fast talk (Ex): +2 to Diplomacy and Bluff checks against non-foxes with lower Intelligence scores than their own.

Low-light vision (Ex): A Fox-folk can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, or similar forms of poor illumination.

Scent (Ex): A fox-folk can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.

Claws (Ex): Unarmed attacks may do lethal damage (humans do non-lethal by default). +2 to Perform (string instruments) checks so long as their claws have been groomed in the last 48 hours or (gods forbid) after doing any physical labor.

Languages: Common. Bonus languages: Any.

Favored class: Bard.

Arctic fox: +4 to resisting cold damage/effects, but they lose the fast talk ability.
Fennec fox: +4 to resisting heat damage/effects, but they lose the fast talk ability. Fennecs also gain an additional +2 to Listen checks, but they take a -2 against all sonic attacks.

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Tiny Fey

-6 Strength, +14 Dexterity, +2 Intelligence, -2 Wisdom, +2 Charisma. Faerrets are supremely flexible, think as fast as they fly, and are charming in an odd way, but are also tiny and slightly insane.

Tiny: As tiny creatures, faerrets gain +2 to AC, -8 to grapple checks, +8 to Hide checks. They use Tiny weapons (such as silverware). They must enter an opponent's square to strike them in melee.

Faerret base land speed is 200 feet. Fly speed 450 feet (perfect). Faerrets are literally faster than arrows.

Stretch (Su): Faerrets can become any length they can conceive of (a number of feet equal to their Int score x their level). Either end of a faerret can move independently, but only the 10 feet of the body nearest the wings can remain aloft.

Scent (Ex): A faerret can detect approaching enemies, sniff out hidden foes, and track by sense of smell.

Low-light Vision (Ex): A faerret can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. He retains the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions.

Slightly Mad (Ex): Faerrets must speak in puns, riddles, alliteration, and other wordplay at all times.

Pathochromatic (Su): Faerrets change from one brilliant color to another at the slightest change in emotion. They take a -8 on all Hide checks.

Spell Resistance (Su): Faerrets have spell resistance equal to their level + their Dex modifier. They literally move out of the way of most spells.

Faerrets have a +4 racial bonus on Move Silently checks and a +8 racial bonus on Balance and Climb checks. They use their Dexterity modifier for Climb checks. A faerret can always choose to take 10 on a Climb check, even if rushed or threatened.

Automatic Language: Faerret (which is Common, but composed of pure wordplay). Bonus languages: Common, Sylvan, Elvish.

Favored Class: Rogue.

Level Adjustment: +5

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I've had more than a few readers express interest in my D&D games over the years, so I thought I'd share a few of my secrets. Magic items are one of my favorite ways to spice up a campaign—they're self-contained, give the world a sense of realistic variety, and encourage players to employ them in creative ways.

This is a list of some of the best magic items I've invented over the past ten years. Largely, these are the items players enjoyed the most, though I've included a few of my favorites. They vary widely in level, though I weeded out items that are likely to destroy one's campaign. You are more than welcome to use these in your game—just be sure to come back and tell me what happens with them. : )

For new DMs, I recommend starting with some of the one-use items and working your way up.

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This +1 adamantine dagger of spell storing has a large rune-etched diamond in the pommel which lights up when a spell is cast into it. Can store a spell of any level, acting as an extra prepared copy of that spell. Any magic-user holding it can use the stored spell.

Agate of Command Moss
This moss agate grants the wielder the power to control up to 1 cubic foot of moss. It forms a tiny construct with 1 hit point that can deal no damage. The moss construct can carry up to half a pound, move at 10 feet per round, and lasts as long as the wielder desires, though no more than one can function at a time.

Akasha's Boredom
This blowgun fires harmless diminutive lizards.

Armor of Eternity
This +1 angelic aurorum full plate has key areas reinforced with Ysgardian heartwire, increasing its AC by 2 against rolls to confirm a critical hit. The enhancement bonus increases by to +2 against evil creatures and the wearer get a +4 sacred bonus on saving throws against spells with the evil descriptor. If shattered, the pieces meld easily back together. The wearer doesn't need to sleep, breath, or eat and may ignore penalties from aging or itchiness. An evil creature who dons the armor does not gain its benefits.

Autumn Oak
This engraved set of darkwood bracers are of exceptional craftsmanship, as if grown into shape. Upon the wearer casting a spell, they become charged, growing fresh vines and leaves. This charge can be used to do any of the following:
-Heal 1d4 points of damage (on touch).
-Fire a 1d4 thorn (ranged attack, masterwork).
-Obscure 1d4 5-foot squares with swirling leaves for 1d4 rounds.

Bahamut's Breath
This potion of cure critical wounds is brewed with holy water and retails the effects of both substances. Emits a fine mist at all times—otherwise crystal clear.

Black Arrow
This ancient jet-black masterwork adamantine arrow is fletched with worn-thin dragon scales. It grants a extra +20 bonus to hit against an evil creature. Bypasses the first 20 points of any damage reduction. Like all arrows, it has a 50% chance of being lost or destroyed when fired.

Blade of Pain Eternal
This +1 evil-aligned longsword deals vile damage and is forged from Pandemonic silver. Unlike regular damage, vile damage can only be healed by magic cast within the area of a consecrate or hallow spell. Gripping the sword causes a screaming mouth to grow from the back of the user's hand so long as it is held. This mouth can be gagged. The screaming carries unnaturally through the air, so it creates a 30 ft. aura of fear when unsheathed in windy conditions.

Bowl of the Lost Guest
This elegant ceramic vessel has two modes: warm and cool. It can change the temperature of its contents to 100°F or 0°F and keep it there. Activated at will. Food cannot spoil in or spill from the bowl.

Canned Cantrip
This container, when opened, releases the cantrip or orison (0-level spell) noted on the label. A magic user who opens the container can delay casting the spell indefinitely and may change it to any 0-level spell.

This 1-inch cube of soap, if crushed, causes all dirty and grime to fall off the user and her equipment.

Whenever this bag is opened, it has 12 gold pieces in it. These coins are always the same 12 coins and are magically bound to teleport back to the bag when opened. Works across planes, universes, and timelines.

Drinker of Elements
This +1 longsword deals an extra 1d6 of an element. The element is whatever element it was most recently exposed to for 2 consecutive rounds. The weapon itself is immune to elemental damage.

Dutiful Teapot
This ceramic teapot has the power of flight. It floats about after the user and dispenses steaming hot tea on command. It has the hit points of a normal teapot, but cheerily reassembles within 3 rounds if shattered, disintegrated, erased from time, or otherwise prevented from offering delicious tea. It is painted with a motif of lemon slices, creamers, sugar lumps, and teacups, all of which it can summon upon command. It contains the Elemental Plane of Tea and therefore can provide tea of any sort.

Final Rest
This +1 ghost-strike silver scythe emits swirls of shadow from its blade at all times, as if night lingers around it. Its mithral haft is etched with sacred lunar glyphs of delicate beauty. In normal combat, the glowing silver blade of the weapon is equal to a +1 scythe. Against evil creatures, its enhancement bonus is +3. Against negative energy creatures, such as undead, the scythe deals double damage (and ×5 on a critical hit instead of the usual ×4). The wielder can make sneak attacks and critical hits against undead; the scythe counts as a light weapon for the purpose of sneak attacks. On command, it emits a dazzling surge of silver moonlight, equivalent to daylight. The radiance begins shining in a 10-foot radius around the sword wielder and extends outward at 5 feet per round for 10 rounds thereafter, to create a globe of light with a 60-foot radius. When the wielder stops swinging, the radiance fades to a dim glow that persists for another minute before disappearing entirely. The freed souls of undead slain by this weapon travel visibly to the afterlife.

This wine bottle contains five doses of fire resistance potions. Each dose provides fire resistance 10 for 1 hour. Stackable resistance and duration.

Fluff of Huskyform
This tuft of shed husky fur comes from the Great Fluff Sea in the north. If thrown in the air, it changes the user's race into an anthro husky dog for 1d12 days. (See above for stats.)

Foal-Alarmer Hot Sauce
Brewed with rainbow juice and cooked over dragon fire, this peppery condiment is supernaturally spicy. It deals 1 point of acid damage if ingested, but the eater is stunned for 1d4 rounds unless he makes a DC 19 Fortitude save.

These dried fruits comes from a sacred grove surrounding a natural spring of holy water. When eaten, they cure 2d4 damage. Available in jam form.

This intricately-carved +1 fiend-bane mace is composed of frystalline, a golden crystal native to the Upper Planes. It is good-aligned and counts as a holy symbol. Any turn undead attempt with it in hand gets a +1 bonus and also affects evil outsiders.

Hidden Storm
This +1 shocking dagger becomes a seemingly non-magical ring upon command.

Hymn of Tamara
The seven-pointed star engraved on this smooth, black gem swirls with silvery light equivalent to a touch at all times. A DC 15 Listen check reveals the stone constantly emits delicate strings of unearthly music. If worn while casting a healing spell, the music increases in volume, adding 1d8 to any such spell. It is typically set into a simple silver ring.

The Imperial Beneficence
This exquisitely-patterned belt pouch can provide any mundane fruit upon command. The fruit produced is fresh, ripe, and typical for its species and variety. This unique item was commissioned by the empress of the fruit bats, but stolen by her rivals before she could use it to curry favor with her subjects. This story is common knowledge (DC 10 Knowledge (local)) to any fruit bat who sees it and the item is considered a proud historical relic.

Iron Rose
This wrought-iron rose has 5 charges, in the form of petals. Expending a petal causes it to crumble into rust, fully healing one creature it touches. When the last charge is expended, the flower also crumbles to nothing and grants the target damage reduction 15/adamantine for 5 rounds.

Javelin of Planar Binding
This +1 impaling cold iron javelin can be activated three times per day. When activated, the next attack is rolled as a touch attack. If the user hits, the target is impaled. Creatures impaled on it cannot leave the plane, teleport, or remove it. Usually found stabbed through a fiendish corpse.

Katana of the Four Winds
This +1 dwarvencraft bastard sword hums at a perfect tone when drawn. It deals 1d10+1 damage, plus 1d4 sonic damage. At will, the user can declare her next attack ranged, unleashing a razor-sharp shockwave with her swing. This ranged attack has an increment of 10 feet and deals full damage.

Kiwi of Ample Locks
If eaten, this fruit causes all hair on the user's body to grow to 6 feet in length over the course of one round.

Lastai's Caress
Once per day, this simple gold ring grants the wearer the power to induce a powerful orgasm in one touched creature. The target must have a metabolism and be from a species capable of sexual reproduction. The effected creature must make a DC 30 Will save or be stunned for 1d4 rounds, and take a −5 to all rolls for 1d4 rounds after. If ever intentionally used for violence, it vanishes forever.

Metalline Edge
The wielder of this +1 eager short sword can transmute its composition to silver, cold iron, adamantine, mithral, or steel at will. It can also become a longsword or dagger at will. It grants a +2 bonus to initiative, as well as a +2 bonus on damage during a surprise round and the first round of combat. Drawn as a free action.

Mindbreak, Ripper of Wounds
This +1 wounding Abyssal blood-iron trident is evil-aligned, acts as cold iron, and has a +4 bonus to confirm critical hits. It deals 1 point Con damage in addition to normal damage, wracking the target with pain. On critical hit, does Wis. damage equal to physical damage. Tall enough to be used as a walking staff, this metal spear is jet black, save for the sharpened edge, which is the color of fresh blood. Flickering runes along the haft name it.

Oil of Someone Else's Problem
When a person or object is coated in this oil, anyone looking at the subject must roll a DC 20 Will save or conclude the target is not their problem. Lasts for 1 hour.

Pants of Many Fists
These pants have a belt with twelve leather strips hanging off it, each ending in a tiny hand. These hands can hold up to a one pound item each, delivering it to the wearer as a free action. They also make a single +5 attack roll against any creature grappling the wearer, doing 1d12 bludgeoning damage upon a hit.

Pendra's Fang
This wickedly curved +1 dagger also deals 1d6 acid damage, and any user can cast acid spash from it at will.

Phoenix Down
Contains one use of raise dead. Burns corpse to ash before revived character rises from it. Suspended in oil because it bursts into flame and activates as soon as it touches the air.

Primal Clay
When touched, this lump of soft clay turns into whatever the toucher is thinking of, except that it retains the same mass. If the user was thinking of a living person, it becomes a Diminutive homunculus that conveys what it sees and hears to the original. It has 1 hit point, a base speed of 5, and can't lift more than a pound.

Quilt of Safety
While under this quilt, a character cannot be the target of spells or attacks, nor come to harm in any way. The blanket appears to be of common fabrics but closer inspection reveals it to be stitched with unicorn hair. The quilt itself cannot be damaged by mortal, divine, or magical means. It cannot be perceived as important by non-good creatures. Any creature under it must make a DC 12 Will save each round or fall asleep. Sleeping under it recovers damage at twice the normal rate.

Rag of Unending Soap
This rag always drips rich, ample suds when squeezed.

This +1 short sword has a crystal blade, allowing it to redirect any ray spell or other beam-based attack. The attack does no damage to the wielder, who may direct the effect as desired (if the effect requires an attack roll, making one counts as a swift action). Note that this does not extend the range of any such effect.

Ring of the Poultrymancer
The wearer may cast Summon Monster I at will, but only to summon domestic fowl, such as chickens, turkeys, ducks, and geese. These are under the wearer's command.

Sacred Lotus
Eating this flower cures any poisons or diseases in the subject. Requires a DC 18 Will save or the subject slips into a torpor of dreamy forgetfulness for 1 hour.

Scepter of Tidiness
Upon command, this scepter blasts forth a sphere of tidying. All items within 50' are cleaned and organized. Has a lawful aura.

Scroll of Infinite Pancakes
When unrolled, this scroll projects a constant stream of pancakes at high speed. The pancakes come out as a single stack and at a rate of 5 feet per second. A layer of maple syrup is between each pancake. This only stops when the scroll is rolled back up.

Hallowed by nine good deities, this +1 everbright adamantine kukri is good-aligned, highly reflective, and immune to acid, rust, and corrosion. It glows with the light of a torch when drawn and can emit a blinding flash of light (Reflex save DC 14, range 20 feet) twice per day. The weapon appears to be carved from a single piece of jade-flecked diamond. An evil creature who attempts to wield Soulstrike acquires nine negative levels.
When acquired by a new wielder, this weapon functions a +1 everbright adamantine kukri with good alignment. Every time the owner completes a selfless and heroic quest, it unlocks an additional power in the following order:
-Blessed: Three times per day, it can be activated to confirm all critical hits for one round. Celestial runes float around it when drawn, revealing its name even to the illiterate.
-Sanctified: +1 damage against evil creatures, increasing to 1d4 against undead. Corrupted and tainted creatures cannot heal Soulstrike's damage by means of normal healing, including fast healing. Natural creatures show neither fear nor aggression toward the wielder.
-Sacred: +2d6 against evil outsiders, +1d6 against undead. The wielder learns the note that wrought his soul in the Song of Creation.
-Holy: +2d6 against evil creatures. Wielding it causes awesome theme music to play.
The unlocking process has the effect of a turn undead attempt equivalent to a cleric of the wielder's level. Committing an evil deed with Soulstrike locks all unlocked powers.
The final result is a +1 blessed sanctified sacred holy everbright adamantine kukri.

Sprig of Truemint
This rare cultivar reigns as the paragon of all mint plants. A delicate blue-green, a signal leaf overwhelms the senses of any mortal who tastes it as compels them to think only of its mintiness.
Type: Ingested DC 20
Initial Damage: stunned 1d4 rounds
Secondary Damage: stunned 1d12 minutes

Spores of Fate
These powdery fungus spores are activated by being cast to the wind. The next time the caster would take fall damage on that plane of existence, giant soft mushrooms spring up to soften the impact so you receive no damage. Anyone falling within 20' feet of you may make an additional Reflex save or Tumble check with a +20 bonus.

Steel Bee
This metal bee can be loaded with up to two doses of any poison. It can then be commanded to begin attacking a creature (attack bonus +5). It deals only one point of damage, but injects both poisons. There is a 50% chance the bee is destroyed in this process.

Sticky Beans
Each of these small caramel candies is strongly adhesive. When eaten, the subject must make a DC 15 Strength check to speak or open her mouth. Each additional bean increases the difficulty by 5. This effect lasts for ten minutes per bean eaten. Double the duration if the subject cannot produce saliva.

This 6-inch tall strip of fine leather folds into five 4-inch segments and clasps shut. Each segment has a scabbard of holding, which can hold a blade of any size, with only the handle sticking out. Any weapon drawn from it comes out clean and sharpened.

Tart of Hlal
This small tart casts a good-aligned version of Tasha’s hideous laughter on one creature who is struck with or otherwise crushes it. The pie's caster counts as both a humanoid and a dragon for the purpose of the spell.

Tattoo of Bull's Strength
Upon activation, this intricate bull tattoo or henna design unweaves itself and vanishes when used. This casts bull's strength on the creature. Similar versions are available for fox's cunning, eagle's splendor, bear's endurance, owl's wisdom, and cat's grace.

Tea of Serenity
Grown by clerics of a god of happiness, this tea has soothing effects on anyone who imbibes it. Upon drinking it, any mind-effecting or pain-based spells and effects are dispelled. The mind is quieted and peaceful thoughts abound. For the next 6 hours, the imbiber must make a DC 20 Will save to commit any violent or evil acts, and takes a −5 to any rolls for such acts. She also gains +2 to Concentration, Diplomacy, Listen, and Sense Motive during this time.

This rock has no range increment. It can be thrown any distance without penalty, so long as the user has line of sight. It counts as a masterwork weapon and deals 1d4 bludgeoning damage, plus strength bonus.

Tincture of Flame
This tiny vial contains a liquid that, when exposed to air, will burn through anything. It continues to burn downward until it reaches the center of the world, where, one can only assume, it burns until the end of time.

Tincture of the Harvest Moon
A single drop from this delicate vial causes an edible plant to bear fruit and ripen within 1 round. The vial contains 1d12 drops. If more than one drop is used, there is a 50% chance the plant will explode in a wave of fruity gore.

Ulu of Black Ice
This +1 punching dagger is carved from blue-black ice, never melting, but always cold to the touch. The antler handle is tooled with intricate designs. It deals +2 damage, plus 1d6 cold damage and an extra 2d10 cold damage on critical. Extinguishes any mundane fire it touches. Grants wielder fire resistance 5. It always remains at the freezing temperature of water, but does the wielder no damage. Frozen air drips of its blade for one day after each critical hit.

Valarian's Purity
Masterwork good-aligned Serren wood and mithral-silver spear, inlaid with jade vines growing up shaft. As a runestaff, it allows any caster to use these spells as if they were known and prepared, if they give up a spell use of the corresponding level for the day. The spells are as follows:
-Purify Food & Drink (level 0)
-Bless Water (level 1)
-Restoration, lesser (level 2)
-Remove Disease (level 3)
-Neutralize Poison (level 4)
As a spear, it has the ghost-touch power and deals and extra 2d4 holy damage to undead, fiends, and evil clerics as it converts some of their flesh to holy water. Will prevent wielder's soul from gaining taint once, but will shatter in the process. Any water that touches it becomes holy water, up to a pint each hour. Counts as a holy symbol.
The haft is made of living wood and inhabited by a nature spirit. The jade leaves glow when spells are cast with it, then fade. Must be planted in soil for at least one night a week or all powers are suppressed. Anyone who uses it counts as a unicorn for the purposes of spells and effects and gets a +2 bonus on Diplomacy checks with unicorns and good fey for the next hour.

Vanquisher of Shadows
This +1 holy spear burns with the light of a torch constantly. Any illusionary, shadow, or summoned creature is dispelled unless it makes a DC 16 Will save. It has a tassel of woven blood-red silk below the spearhead, each strand ending in a glowing white gem.

Violet Prism
When this prism is cracked all persons and objects within 1 mile become purple. Effect lasts 1 week. No save allowed.

Void Arrow
Various elements swirl and battle inside this masterwork glass arrow. Deals an extra +1d6 fire, +1d6 cold, +1d6 acid, and +1d6 electrical. Destroyed upon hit.

This metal toolbox walks on an indeterminate number of legs. It has a speed of 100 feet per round. It contains an extra dimensional space of indeterminate size, mostly filled with trinkets. The opening of the box is large enough for a medium creature to climb through. The box feels compelled to "eat" any baubles it finds and will befriend any character who treats it well and "feeds" it regularly. It somehow follows its master across planes, realities, and time.

Whistle of the Elysian Thrush
When played, this small silver whistle summons a tiny birdlike celestial. Its soothing song doubles the healing rate of all resting creatures able to hear it. Also grants the bearer fluency in Celestial. Incorporeal to non-good creatures.

Wok of Delicious Wrath
This +1 flaming greataxe has a +1 bonus to confirm critical hits, being made of Solarian truesteel. It transforms into a finely-crafted wok upon command, which grants a +10 bonus to all Craft(cooking) checks. Any creature struck with smite evil by this weapon must roll a DC 15 Will save or become stunned and vaguely hungry for one round.

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Bonus from Slate (who also gets credit for Swordkeeper{pictured}):
Any damage this +1 short sword deals is converted into healing. Afterward, it deals 1d6 damage. It is crafted from living troll bone. Sneak attack damage is also converted into healing.

I've tried to specify any powers that I invented or that aren't found in the DMG. These items were designed for D&D 3.5/Pathfinder, but should work with any d20 system.

Art and various consultations:

fox 247,214, canine 189,053, dog 171,319, vulpine 36,227, otter 35,625, husky 29,617, vixen 28,446, canid 28,183, fantasy 26,767, magic 25,210, sword 10,156, and 7,329, dragons 4,896, corgi 4,496, magical 1,652, dagger 801, dungeons 640, player 516, race 513, scroll 406, dd 152, setting 131, item 82, items 48, races 41
Type: Picture/Pinup
Published: 10 years, 9 months ago
Rating: General

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10 years, 9 months ago
Was fun reading this again!  Also gave me some new ideas.  If you'd like to hear 'em, I could send you a note. =) Up to you, of course.  I'm sure you've got tons of ideas yourself.
10 years, 9 months ago
Sure, shoot me a note. : )
10 years, 7 months ago
soulstrike was awesome! ^_^.
10 years, 7 months ago
That is one of my all-time favorites. : ) Did you get to use it in-game?
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