Just wanted to hop on here and wish everyone a happy snugs day or best wishes at finding someone to the single furs out there (who knows? Maybe tonight you'll meet that perfect-someone. But.... then again... there's only one perfect someone, and there's not enough of me to go around. But maybe a SECOND-to-perfect-someone!)
In either case, best wishes!
As for the image... there's at least one character there whom you should recognize. See him? NO not Buck. But... then again, you'll probably recognize him too from my gallery. I meant the primely-placed white fennec, of course! ^.^
Anyway; enjoy ----- Artwork by :iconRyunWoofie:
Characters, left to right...
Top row: :iconsergeantbuck:, :iconpaner:, :iconEtheras:, :iconx25:, :iconstephiecat: Bottom row: :icongabbergoat: :iconsardanjen: :iconpsilynx: :iconsleepingdog: :iconichigo: ----- Want to see my Valentine's Day Artwork from previous years? Here's my art from last year (courtesy of MoodyFerret)! ----- Repost Authorization Rating: FREE Dunno what that means? Be sure to read this: https://www.sofurry.com/view/365517 ... before reposting.