Character Sheet for Monochromia Celestis Skies
Character Description
She definitely isn't normal. She loves her friends and is very attached to them, but gets hurt easily. She is very emotional, and doesn't like to do work. She loves to draw and eat food, as well as listen to music. She doesn't like to be bothered by people, and has a very strong dislike for her parents and her sister. She doesn't like most people, and is quick to judge people on their looks. She also tends to yell at the TV when playing video games.
Aggressive towards people she doesn't like, but peaceful around strangers and friends. Very funny and likes to make others laugh, but doesn't care much about her own happiness.
Likes: Other ponies, music, her friends, dA, Tumblr, Facebook, drawing, eating, sleeping, being lazy, playing video games, being isolated
Dislikes: Most mares, her parents, being bored, being sad, having no motivation, art block
Her mother is dead, she hasn't seen her father since she was just an infant. She's currently being raised by her grandparents whom she doesn't like.
Height: 4'0
Weight: About 200 lbs
Figure/build: Fat/chubby
Hair colour: Light brown
Hairstyle: Very long
Eye colour: light yellow
Skin/fur/etc colour: light grey
Cutie Mark: A mouse with the wire in the shape of a heart, obtained because of her talent with digital art using a mouse.
"Pardon me, Rarity, but, uhm.. We don't usually wear clothes."
... She likes turtlenecks and jackets.
Frequently worn jewellery: she likes bracelets and necklaces, as well as collars and hair clips.