But any way I ship these two hardcore now. I love them together because of the episode "Pinkie pride", they have so much in common. I think this is my most favorite episode so far in Season 4 >////////////<
I don`t know what the name of the couple is in the brony fandom, I think its cheesypie 0.o`
I was wrong about cheese sandwich at first cause I thought he was gonna be annoying but it turn out he`s funny in a weird way(he makes me giggle ^///^), and he`s kinda cute :D
Plus Pinkie Pie`s not my favorite but I actually love her too xD
I was so friggin excited that the one who does Cheese sandwhich was weird Al :http://www.behindthevoiceactors.com/Weird-Al-Yankovic/ OMG he`s so awesome. I couldn't believe they brought him in this show to voice act for a bit cause I grew up with his music I reconized his voice as soon as he started singing :iconfangirlingplz::D