A full-on clothing commission, where the focus was the outfits rather than the characters. Though I haven't necessarily gone to fashion school or anything, it was pretty fun!
I had a ton of fun finding ways to combine elements of male and female fashions for Liam, since he's a herm. Since I started with something as simple as as sweater dress and vest, I've now expanded to include smaller jackets and bikini-like wraps, cowl-top sweaters and casual pants, and another dress-like sweater that is extra warm under Liam's jacket for the winter.
Tory on the other hand is pretty straightforward and appreciates any and all clothes that Liam creates for him. I ended up doing research through a few clothing catalogs to find nice combinations to inspire his wardrobe. Twas quite the fun experience... aaaand I'll probably want to go shopping for his fashions myself sometime in the future. x3
With their default outfits being in their initial character sheets, this collection includes a Fall/Autumn, Winter, and SWEET RAVE PARTY as a bonus~
I absolutely love this commission I have been very eager to see it finished for so long I am so very very happy to see it done and to see how much everyone likes it so thanks everyone cause I love to see what artists can do but I always love to see the artists get love for what they do *hugs you all*
I absolutely love this commission I have been very eager to see it finished for so long I am so very