I can't believe I forgot to upload that picture. It was one of my best last year. From Dungeons & Dragons, my DM (Dungeons Master) challenged us players to draw our own characters.
If someone win first place, will get 100 gold and second place will get 50 as third get 25.
After we submit our artworks to DM and we all made a vote. My artwork is one of more realistic and action than all other.
Other artworks of their are stand and hold the weapon. Boooooring.
But players know I'm only one artist, so they won't vote me as they voted for other that look cute.
*sighs* sometime they don't play fair. Oh well, I decided to go ahead and play game.
Sketch took me more than 2 hours, he is warrior dragon and his personal is overprotect and he is willing to protect his team from enemies. Anything, anytime, anywhere. He breathe ice. :3
character & artwork © wakewolf
10 years, 11 months ago
06 Feb 2014 04:35 CET
Initial: 76813794bd15559f4da71f71fcab9ca8
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