Angry Birds vs. MLP... >;) Year of the Horse, my ass! :D
Seriously, I couldn't give a damn about football, or most other sports except baseball (SF Giants fan, here), but seeing this pretty much summed up last night, I had to laugh... ;)
Now, excuse me as I go chase some squirrels in panties... Mmmmm, panty-wearing squirrels! ;)
d.m.f. (the squirrel-obsessed...)
Angry Birds vs. MLP... >;) Year of the Horse, my ass! :D Seriously, I couldn't give a damn about fo
This truly sums up that entire game. I almost couldn't fave this...'cause I really felt that bad for the broncos.. lol (And no, not a fan of either team. Just not a fan of one-sided beatdowns either)
And I wouldn't worry about making them bulky. Them being less so, makes this more cute and humorous, imo. ^^
This truly sums up that entire game. I almost couldn't fave this...'cause I really felt that bad for