"Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh! Ohmygosh!" Rainbow Dash could not contain herself. "Fleetfoot? Here?"
Frostbite, just rolled his eyes and continued to walk toward the white-maned pegasus waiting for them in the the chamber they entered.
"Indeed, lady Dash." he said calmly, "Fleetfoot is the newest member of the Night Guard, she is also a very talented flier and she knows the sky here well."
"I know, she's from Cloudsdale, just like me, she's the fastest Wonderbolt and..." Rainbow Dash looked at the flier In front of them. "... and now she's in... night guard?"
"She asked to be transferred last month. With her references we couldn't turn her down." the unicorn answered and stopped just few steps from Fleetfoot. Rainbow looked at her with barely containing excitement. The other pegasus was slightly smaller then her, but stud therein full guardsmare armor. Her white mane and tail seemed to radiate in the dancing light of the torch-lit interior and her green eyes shined like a pair of precious gems, but the things that caught her attention immediately were her wings, not feathery ones like all the other pegasi, including herself, but bat-like ones, of the kind she'd seen only once before, during last year's Nightmare Night.
"Are those... real" she asked Frostbite, probably louder than she thought.
"Princess Luna personally enchanted armors her Night Guard wares." he explained patiently "It is customary that pegasi within our ranks have bat wings." then he turned to Fleetfoot, who didn't even blink while they were talking. "You will aid lady Dash in her task from the Princess and you will protect and serve her as a bodyguard."
"Yes lord captain." Fleetfoot replied dryly, not even looking in Rainbow's direction.
10 years, 11 months ago
27 Jan 2014 13:19 CET
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