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Tahajin was and will never be the gasconading sort, unless it comes to locomotion. During his leisure hours, the proud megalopolis of Xiphos becomes his personal parkour park as he makes his rounds through the skyscrapers and bounds atop the city’s muncipal dirigibles. It’s one of the few free diversions the possat can attest to and his unalloyed enthusiasm has bled over into the populace of Zwei; more specifically, its fundraising events. Both marathons and free-running Olympiads are held for tandem causes with the monochromate sprinting into the forefront. Incidentally, this is one of the few occasions you’ll see the hybrid discarding his standard ‘french braid’ hairstyle for something a tad more liberating. The rules of participation explicitly state that no lock of hair should extend past the small of a contestant’s back, but has absolutely no clause on possessing several shoulder-length dreadlocks. ”Ahhh, loopholes. You’ve gotta love them. Anywho, keep your eyes to the skies this solstice! You might just catch a glimpse of my tail whipping by your peripheral vision~.” |